Monday, February 02, 2004 |
Date: 1 Feb 2004
Hari Raya AidilAdha
Gosh!!! It's February already.... So Fast!!!
Today I went for Raya prayers with my bros, just the 3 of us since my dad is still unwell. Saiful said, "Kita
ni macam anak yatim seh..." Hhmm I thought to myself...never mind lah. Dah bagus tu kita bukan Anak Yatim betul-betul. Lagi kesian... takde tempat nak menumpang kasih sayang... Betul tak Apul? Heheheh...
It was full house today at Imam Baragh. Everyone's there...the Malays, the Pakistanis and even the Chinese (Sakinah Seah). It was really lovely during the cukur rambut ceremony for both Shikin's & Kak Maisyah's baby. But unfortunately, I was too engrossed with the Pearlines to shift my focus to the cukur rambut outside. So typical of me....Hahahahah. Even when the babies were brought in, I was still too busy with the Pearlines except when Ustaz Rosli was shaving Adillah's hair. Quite interesting to watch. If only I had a videocam just now.... hhmm.... can even do documentary and send it to the Cannes Film Festival! Heeheheh....yeah right Yati. Dream on...
Raya AidilAdha was very different this year. For a start, my siblings & I went for our prayers w/o daddy. Then we even went to nyayie & nenek's place w/o my parents since my dad is still unwell. Gosh! First time going to nyayie's place w/o my parents! Felt so awkward but luckily Cik Sanip was there....he's the ice-breaker... as usual and we spent exactly 2 hours at nyayie's place and another hour and a half at nenek's place. All we did was to travel, sit and eat but I was flat as a tyre the moment I reached home! So exhausted!
In fact, my bros & I even went to rent a VCD before we went home. View From The Top starring Gwyneth Paltrow. Wonder is it's good. Now it's 1.35AM and Khay's still watching some live soccer match with my dad. Hhmm.... when do we watch the VCD then? Later today?
I had a wishing list which I just created... Here it goes...
1) Apple I-Book
2) 3 CCD Videocam
Was thinking of buying the above so that I can record my own footages and compile them using my I-Book. Gonna check with Lenny & Fad if they can recommend me any other suitable stuff. Sigh! Now must collect money for school, videocam, Apple I-Book and money to give mummy since dad's NOT working yet...
posted by norhayati @ 1:24 AM |
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