Sunday, June 05, 2005 |
Wedding invitations... |
The daughters of Cik Abu Shah and Cik Sudin are getting married today!
So Cik Md Baba came up with a rather brilliant idea for the people living in the west to go to the weddings together since one is in Woodlands and the other is in Jalan Damai, Bedok Reservoir Road. So altogether there's about 6 families boarding the big bus driven by Uncle Lim. Felt a bit like an excursion though! But it was fuuuuuuuuuun! Heheheheh!
First stop: Cik Abu Shah's invitation.... actually I don't know his daughter at all but oh well who cares?! I'm just there to accompany my parents, enjoy the food and to see the gorgeous bride! Woohoo...! The wedding deco was nice, simple and elegant. The bride.... looked gorgeous in her maroon outfit. And as we were about to leave for the next wedding, the groom came with his entourage.... so everyone just hanged around just to catch a glimpse of the groom! The groom obviously looked slightly nervous and shy as the crowd looked on but hey, thumbs up to you man! You still maintained that cool and relaxed composure! Guy friends who wants to get married, I think you'd better learn to keep yourself calm and composed when you parade around with your bride amidst the crowd. Muka kena maintain handsome okay kengkawan! Very, very important! Big boss man are you reading this?!
Second stop: Cik Sudin's invitation. Sumayyah should be 24 this year and we used to attend religious class together for about a year and that was in the old Imam Bara. I still remembered THE class where there's only 6 pathetic youths -- 3 girls and 3 guys. And there'll be weird moments when the other 2 girls were absent and I'II be the only girl so I'II be alone and will run to Jannah's class whenever there's a break. (Back then, Jannah was teaching).
Anyway, back to the wedding... Sumayyah's wedding was jam packed with people! My god! It was so crowded that Ayun and I had to "chop" seats for our parents! This Cik Sudin aahh.... God knows how many people he invited. And oh yeah... Cik Sudin looked so handsome in his baju kurung, kain samping and songkok! Bapa pengantin katakan! Heheheheheh!
And I managed to take 2 snap shots of Sumayyah and her husband. They both looked so gorgeous! If you're wondering why they both aren't looking into the camera, well, that's because I took it from far. Remember I said the wedding was crowded so I didn't manage to get close to the bride and her man....

To the bride and groom, I wish you all the happiness in the world and may God bless you with healthy and cute babies! |
posted by norhayati @ 4:57 PM |
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