Dare to Dream
Star light. Star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might. Have the wish I wish for tonight.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
5 reasons why I enjoyed watching Monsters-in Law...

1) Jane Fonda rawks! She's so lucky .... got to slap and hit J Lo!!!
2) The movie gives you endless ideas on how to handle difficult prospective-in-laws. I really like the part when Charlie gave Viola that ugly peach dress! Not violent yet evil. Smart!
3) Jane Fonda still looks good esp when her make-up's not too thick.
4) I never knew how one's insecurities can drive people nuts. Watch Viola if you want to know more....
5) And finally I watched it with a really cool dude who looked like he's half asleep and yet I kept hearing his laughter throught the movie! (Hope you're not laughing in your sleep cool dude. But you still look cute lah when you're sleepy... :-)
posted by norhayati @ 2:46 AM  
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