Dare to Dream
Star light. Star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might. Have the wish I wish for tonight.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
What a day!!!!!
I had so much fun with the guys today!
Thanks Baq & Ihsan for those funny moments!
And Baq, please know your directions... dont just walk around without knowing where to go!

Today Baq, Ihsan and myself went to apply permit for our event.
The whole process was so easy and it ended so fast that all 3 of us were left not knowing what to do next.
So with no plans and with Baq around, eerrmm.... you'll obviously need to go makan right?
Or else poor Baq will grow thin like me!
So we went to Harbour Front hawker centre where the guys introduced me to some Thai noodle in beef stew.
It was nice and light!
Not oily. And the beef was so tender.
I ate it using chopsticks and I think I'm quite good with it!

After filling in our empty stomachs, we made our way to Harbour Front shopping centre.
(Remember... none of us had any plans so we just decided to do some window shopping)
And I also managed to show Baq the kind of bags that I like!!!!
BIG hint!
That'll be my Christmas present! Heheheheh!

While walking around Harbour Front and not knowing exactly where to go, Ihsan suggested that we went to Sentosa.
I'm sure he didn't mean it but since we're all bored esp Baq, we decided to make the trip to Sentosa.
And so we hung out at Palawan beach with male and female peacocks walking around us.
I screamed twice once thanks to the peacock that shocked me and the other thanks to Ihsan who also shocked me.
Very rude boy lah this Ihsan!
Naughty! Naughty!

And we chatted, laughed and joked till we decided to leave by 9.30pm
So it's amazing how a simple outing to apply a permit end with a rendezvous in Sentosa!
And I had fun disturbing Baq with eerrmm... Miss M<&8 (secret! cannot tell!)
And oh thanks for buying the cookies Ihsan... It was nice!
I'm sure Baq ate a lot also!

And Baq suggested that we hung out at Mount Faber next.
I think he's looking for strategic spots for his eerrmm... dates!
So Ihsan and I will be his guinea pigs while he recced the place.
So smart this boy!

To Ihsan and Baq,
I dedicate this entry to you guys.
So enjoy it!
And my apologies for all the jokes that I made.
Jangan sensitive sangat okay..... esp to Baq... nanti kurus!
posted by norhayati @ 1:54 AM  
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