Wednesday, April 20, 2005 |
I love my television. |
Since young, I have always been intrigued by the television set. A square piece of box, when switched on, will produce some of the most entertaining programs for the family to watch. And mind you, when I was young, I watched everything that the television will show. Cartoons, Malay varieties and dramas, Tamil and Hindi movies, Channel 8 dramas. Everything. Of course during those times when I was growing up, Channel 5 was not that happening. There were not many local shows except for those on Channel 8 and therefore I grew up watching and liking the likes of Zoe Tay and Li Nanxing. And I still like them till today!
And when I reached 14 or was it 15 years of age, that I discovered a course in the local polytechnic that specializes in television and film production. And boy was I excited at my little discovery! And amazingly, I did not even know what a producer or a director really does or what are the process that goes on before a particular television programme was produced. All I know was that I wanted to be like those kids in the course brochure, sitting behind a control panel with those colorful buttons that they can press and let the world enjoy the television programs that they made! Heheheheh! How naive was I back then!
But it was my humble beginning that led me to be what I am today. And I am happy and contented. Yet sad. Because seriously, there is not much future in what I do. Most of my friends are freelancers. And there is no stability in freelancing. And currently one by one of my friends are losing their jobs. Thanks to the bad economy. Most are changing professions. Some even toy with the idea of migrating.
For me, whatever projects that I have right now can only last me till June/July if I am lucky. The second half of the year is going to be a bit tough. My Plan B? Maybe go overseas and work coz television is more than a job. It is my love and my passion. It's like my baby. I cannot even think of anything else that I can do but this.
I love my television. Don't you? |
posted by norhayati @ 12:23 AM |
I think u sound like a couch potato !! and dont leave spore la ... think of all the uncle and pakcik pakcik in mkt that will be missing u hehehehe and dont forget hasan heheheh
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I think u sound like a couch potato !! and dont leave spore la ... think of all the uncle and pakcik pakcik in mkt that will be missing u hehehehe and dont forget hasan heheheh