Thursday, March 17, 2005 |
Okay so I'm still producing this info-ed program about under-achievers. An inspiring program indeed as I traced their journeys from late bloomers to becoming the top student in their school.
Ain't that good peeps? But... In the midst of my interview with one of the parents whose daughter was the top Malay student last year, she leaked on a little secret or rather her frustration on how her daughter, despite being the top student, rarely helps her with the housework. Why you may ask. Coz all she ever does is to study in her room! Which sets me thinking.... Okay so this girl is some brainiac, probably applauded by many for her academic achievements but what did she just trade for her academic achievements? Little things which she could have done to help lessen her mum's burden at home. And I'm saying simple things such as clearing the rubbish, sweeping or even mopping the floor.
But who am I to judge her? Coz in my own relentless pursuit to achieve success at work and in school, I fell into the same dilemma! I rarely help my mum with the housework. But at least I still wash the dishes and help to buy the groceries! Yeah right?!
What are girls turning to nowadays? They are so good in school and at work but they still needed someone to help clean and wash for them! And if you put them in the kitchen like me, You will be greeted by your worst kitchen nightmare! Cook from hell you may say.... hhmm actually come to think of it.... yeah I'm terrible in the kitchen. Cannot cook for nuts!
So my question once again.... What are girls turning to? Professionals -- doctors, lawyers. executives, entrepreneurs But... they cannot do housework, cannot cook, cannot look after their own kids. Coz they're too busy in their relentless pursuit of a successful life and material comfort. Although there are a small segment who can juggle both -- career and do their own housework. But then again, girls are NO super human are they? You cannot expect them to be good at everything and anything. Just like me.... I can't cook! Trust me!
Oh I'm also saying this coz I just interviewed a teacher in her home. You should try her teh tarik. Sweet like hell! See what I mean... Successful woman = Terrible housewives (Cant cook, do house work etc). |
posted by norhayati @ 1:17 AM |
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