Dare to Dream
Star light. Star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might. Have the wish I wish for tonight.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Hisyam, the mat scooter was really sweet.
I called him from Husainiyah (place where I attend my religious class) asking if he's coming coz I needed a favour. So this really sweet bloke (at that time he just reached home from work) asked me what's the matter and see if he can help.

Thinking and assuming that he's going to come for the night class, I told Hisyam to help me buy a packet of sugar coz obviously we've run out of it and the nearby shop is closed so how to make tea right?

But Hisyam sounding tired and all, said he's not too sure if he's coming and I told him it's okay coz I can get someone else to help.

So I got Baq to buy 2 packet of sugar. Baq is so rajin!

Anyway, at around 9 plus, Hisyam stepped into class with a bag of sugar which he brought from home!!! So sweet right! He told me he felt bad at not being able to help so he decided to bring sugar from home! Alamak this boy so sweet lah!

He helped clear the rubbish every Sat evening.

And now, he helped to bring sugar from home!

Hisyam, may God bless you for your kindness!
posted by norhayati @ 1:31 AM  
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