Sunday, December 24, 2006 |
The Mataharies are back! |
You've seen them during Hari Raya and now they're BACK!!!
Yes they are back for Christmas! And they're doing it their way with Brazillian cuisine for dinner prepared by Zuli and some other spread prepared by the girls. Tonight when the clock strikes 12, they'll be exchanging presents and sipping away sparkling grape juice plus tonnes of cam-whoring (this is exclusively for Zuli & Wawa, the 2 Camwhores). And not forgetting watching some DVD or VCD courtesy of Netty and let's see who'll be the first to sleep in front of the TV and who's the unfortunate one who will have to switch off the TV after everyone's asleep.
Watch as the girls discuss their future plans and join Fins as she embarks on a journey into motherhood. How about Wawa who just came back from Bangkok? She must have tonnes of stories and goodies to share! Irna on the other hand, is like the resident counsellor in the group so who's next in her to-be-counselled list? How about Netty? Is she still suffering from the sakit budak syndrome or is she finally ready to be in love again? Lastly, what can the group be without its chairman and her endless flings? Will she still hog on the phone the moment she wakes up and yack away with a certain someone?
Catch your favourite stars from The Mataharies this New Year's Eve at a countdown party near you... Irna Michelle Beckham, Netty Fiona Goh, Zulina Maya Rodrigues, Wawa Wee-wee Land, Fini Alphonso & Yati Affleck.
Be sure to catch Season 2 of The Mataharies every Sunday night at the new channel that will be reaching your homes soon!

posted by norhayati @ 6:31 PM |
Yat, why is it that we all have funny english names and when it comes to you, it somehow being associated with the hollywood star. Hmmm...bias tau! :)
aku sokong 100%!! Kenapa nama aku pun mcm obit gitu? Wee wee land lak tuh..tapikan aku suka article ko ni ala movie preview katakan..since gambar2 dah upload kat multiply replace them.
kat blakang tu fariz kan? dah yati..aku dah post comment.. :P
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Yat, why is it that we all have funny english names and when it comes to you, it somehow being associated with the hollywood star. Hmmm...bias tau! :)