Monday, April 26, 2004 |
What a DAY... |
What an eventful day!!!
Firstly, I overslept and woke up at 10.30 am!!! I was late coz the homework supervision program starts at 10.30 am!!! Wahlau! Cik Ahmad Baba called my home and Baqir even called my mobile. Hehhehehhe!!! These people must be panicking.... maybe lack of teachers.
Next Khai sent me to the National Library at Stamford Road but it was closed!!!! I didn't even know that!!! It has been closed since March!!! Hehehheeh!!! So I called Abang Aidil & Muslim told me to go to Woodlands Library instead and Khai sent me there. However, there's one problem. Khai didn't know the way!!! Hehehehe!!! So what he did was to just ride on and just look out for the PIE exit. But hey, he managed to reach Woodlands! I know I can trust my little brother!
I got my micro films at Woodlands Library. I need the articles for 647km2 when I interviewed a forensic pathologist. But I'II have to go back to Woodlands Library coz I have got lots of other articles that I need to find. Maybe I'II go back on Tuesday or something. Once I'm done at Woodlands, I went to Yew Tee MRT to meet the girls coz we have a group session with Maulana today.
The session? Hhmm... it was so-so. I asked the Maulana what he thought of the HBI girls and he said in terms of our outspoken-ness, we were NOT as good as last year and he simply didn't understand why. Frankly, I don't know either.... dont think others knew either.... why our performance seemed to drop this year. I guess we were too scared? Too shy? Still have not warmed up enough? Well God knows. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:28 AM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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