Friday, November 04, 2005 |
Hari Raya is here again and I simply adore friends or family members who can come up with innovative ways to still look good despite tight budgets.
For guys out there who must wear a samping, do you know that your mum's selendang or even a kain batik lepas can add that magical touch to your baju kurung?
- A friend of mine actually used his mum's rainbow colored selendang as his kain samping and trust me the selendang looked GOOD on his butt! Hehehe!
- Fadly, my good friend came across an old kain batik lepas at his home. So what he did was to cut some pieces for his songkok, his kain samping and not forgetting the lamp shade at home! What a creative bloke! Check out his pix below...
 Fadly is the one seated on the extreme right. Check out the pieces of kain batik lepas on his songkok, his samping and not forgetting some for his lampshade!
Oh yeah and this Raya, Fad's baju kurung color is the same as mine which means that he can still cut some kain batik lepas (according to him, there's some more left) for my tudung! Heheheh! Talk about innovation!
Lastly, Selamat Hari Raya to all my friends. While we grace the occassion with much joy and happiness, let's not forget those less fortunate among us -- the thousands of orphans in Aceh, the earthquake victims in Pakistan and not forgetting the poor.
My heart goes out to Jasmine, my poly classmate who was diagnosed with stage 2 nose cancer. Be strong girl coz you are still too young to die. My love and prayers are with you always ; )
May God bless us all in this month of Syawal. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:07 AM |
yatiii oh yatiiii...sampai hati kau....
kau kan innovative fad jadi aku nak share dgn semua orang!!!
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yatiii oh yatiiii...sampai hati kau....