Dare to Dream
Star light. Star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might. Have the wish I wish for tonight.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
My story
"I wanna be a storyteller and touch people's lives... but as it is, most stories that I did has touched me in some way or another."
-- yati --

"I still say, when people ask me how one gets to be a director, that you don't wait to be asked - go direct something! Even if it's in Super 8... the most important step in becoming a director is to find out if you ARE a director, and the way to find that out is to go and make a film and see if you can tell a story in a cinematic way."
- James Cameron --

"Film is your liberation, it's your demon, it's your nemesis, it's everything. It's your life."
- Oliver Stone --

"Anybody who tells you they're not influenced by past or current directors is probably fibbing. It's almost impossible not to be influenced. Me, I take the attitude that if it's a good shot and I can use it, I'll steal it. I have no shame. My goal is to make the best movie possible."
- John Badham --

"If young film students come in to see me for advice, I ask if they've ever made a film. If they say no, I forget about them. Because if they really want to be a director, then somehow they've gotten a hold of an 8mm camera and shot 10 minutes somewhere. That's a good way to learn. I remember judging a student film festival one year. I saw a film by a nine-year-old that showed inventiveness and thought about what he was doing."
- Arthur Hiller --

"...any kind of movie that makes me feel something is a good movie...because that's what it's all about!"
- Harry Hurwitz --
posted by norhayati @ 8:51 PM  
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