Monday, February 09, 2004 |
The CAMP as I called it was absolute fun and as usual full of knowledge bestowed by the elders to the younger ignorant ones like me. Made a resolution to read a religious book and I'm going to start with Saqifah. Maybe I'II aim to finish 1 book every 3-4 months. In a year, I would have read about 3-4 religious books and that is by my standard, already a good achievement. You go girl!
Age is catching up but I still feel and act like I'm just 18. (In actual fact, I'm coming to 24) Heheeeheeh!!! Enjoyed the company of the Pearlines. We took lots of pictures. Posed like Hejab Iran models, First Lady models etc. You name it and we probably have done it! And it was super duper fun catching up with the Pearlines knowing what's going on in their lives and their latest updates!
The Starfruittes were simply marvellous and I love and adore EACH & EVERYONE OF THEM. Even got to know them better like Starfruit & Mustakim whom I've never worked with. Wah Starfruit can really act very well. Can get him to act for me if I'm looking for actors. Talented guy with a good voice and a flare in acting....
Netty called asking me if I wanna join her at Jules' place but I was busy with the Pearlines at Imam Baragh so maybe next time I guess. I had a chat with Mimi & Feeza asking them about digital cameras and I decide to get one. Maybe one of those Nikon Coolpix series. Gonna ask Khay to follow me to Sim Lim and buy one before this Saturday so that I can bring it when I go to Bukit Timah. And my budget? Only $400 and nothing more coz already as it is, I'm growing broke by the day... so NO MORE shopping!
posted by norhayati @ 12:28 AM |
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