Tuesday, May 25, 2004 |
My lecturer's name is... |
My lecturer's name is Mr Chua NOT Mr Choo or Mr Chew! Hehehehehh!!! I attended my second lecture today. I had to skip last Thursday's lecture coz I was working late. Gonna skip this coming Thursday's lecture AGAIN coz I'm working Late AGAIN!!!! Alamak!!! This is NOT good! I pay $13k +++ worth of school fees to attend school NOT to skip lessons! Hhmm... maybe I'II rush to class after work or something... take a cab maybe.
Talking about cab, when am I getting my pay cheque? I'm SOOOOO Broke right now and I'm surviving on my pathetic savings. I cannot touch the money in my bank account coz it is reserved for my school fees. It's really sad to be in my shoes... hehehhehe!!! But hey, all these sacrifices are worth it! It is for a better tomorrow, a brighter future.
Its the holiday season and everyone's going for some kind of holiday, a retreat, an adventure trip. Where am I going? Nowhere... just stay in sunny S'pore and WORK, WORK, and WORK!
Going to Thomson Medical Ctr tmr to recce the labour ward for my filming session. Ever wonder how a labour ward looks like? Hhmm...I've got a filming session at TMC this Thursday.
Things to do:
- Doula filming script
- EP 11 LINK script
- search for challenges for the presenters
- finalise letter of appt
- get updates from hajar & feeza |
posted by norhayati @ 1:47 AM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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