Sunday, October 03, 2004 |
Got an sms abt 15 minutes ago about an artist who got the wrong cd and cannot turn up for recording tmr! I tried calling my producer but I guess he's sound asleep. He just got back filming in KL. So I'm a dead piece of meat as of now.
My plan is to call my producer the moment I got up and explain to him why this particular artist cannot make it for recording. Sooo leceh! Pray hard that I will not be scolded or screamed at.... Doing variety is so different from doing infotainment. There's MORE people that you have to deal with. For this show alone, I've dealt with Malaysian and Indonesian artists apart from the local ones.
Looking on the bright side, a fren of mine is typing away his old love poetries that he used to write in JC. He doesnt look like the type who write poetries needless to say LOVE poetries! But funnily he does! So this is his poetry....
Selalunya pada penjuru nostalgia, ku terkenang sketsa asmara
Di balik tabir memori, ku terlihat seorang gadis
Ingin ku usap ikalnya, ingin ku renung ayu matanya
Oh, andai ku mampu leraikan perasaanku padanya,
Sejalur pelangi akan mewarnai hatiku ini
Hujung bicara sepi nan pasti
Hanya renungan mata yang saling memberi
Pujaan kasih sayang dua hati
Namun kadangkala kuwalikan rindu berwajah lesu
Andainya kau tiada, hatiku sebak nan layu
Duka terdampar di tepian muara rasa, aku dan sepi bercanda
Samudera kumit sepi, hidup bagai tiada erti
Lalu ku sambut kasihku di daun pintu
Dan kita ke pantai, pasirnya emas
Disepuh mentari mengintai di ufuk
Akulah prianya, dialah juwitaku
What a lovely piece! It captures my heart instantly.
To my fren the poet, you know who you are.... and like I said, since you have the talent to write, you should pursue it.
posted by norhayati @ 1:08 AM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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