Saturday, November 13, 2004 |
How to look good even though I'm wearing old raya clothes...
1) Instead of the usual black tudungs, switch to colored tudungs to match your baju kurung.
So today I just bought a pink and green tudung costing $5 each at Jurong Point. It'll match my green and pink baju kurung which I'm gonna wear again this year. But the green tudung doesnt look too good with my baju kurung coz the color that I bought is a bit off. But who cares?!
2) The use of make-up can do wonders. I am of course a make-up idiot. So how does a make-up idiot start buying or even putting on make-up? So my plan is to get the sales assistant to help me pick out the right color for a blusher. Yup people I'm buying blusher. Wonder how I'II look with a blusher. Worse still, how do I start applying blusher??!! No worries coz in my line of work, I've witnessed many make-up artists doing make-up so I'II try to imitate the strokes.... I think should be easy lah.
3) And finally, a dash of ATTITUDE & CONFIDENCE....
And I'm ready to whisk off to my grandma's on Sunday morning.
Best of all, I'm going to spend less than $50 for this Raya's preparations!!! Yipeeeeeeee!!!!
posted by norhayati @ 1:13 AM |
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