Saturday, May 20, 2006 |
The Girlfriends and their syndroms |
Laughter is the best medicine. So just a lil something for everyone to laugh at. (Just joking okay. So please take it with a pinch of salt and pepper. Names have been changed to protect the identities of those mentioned)
Adlyana Djawa -- manja, mentel, gatal, suka melaram & berposing. Kini menghidapi sindrom, "Cinta ikut musim" dan "Hatiku bukan plastik".
Irena Bayern -- sharp, focused yet mentel on occassions. Menghidapi sindrom "Suara bapok siam" dan "Bila nak pergi memancing dgn cikgu???"
Kesuma Wijoyo -- manis, peramah & popular tetapi menghidapi sindrom "Loktang" dan "Relapse sakit budak". Penyakit beliau yang terbaru pula ialah, "Tanya soalan, jawab sendiri".
Sri Setaresmi -- stylish, blur but with tons of admirers. Currently suffering from 2 unique syndromes, "What number is after 7?" and "Excuse me, can I be your matchmaker?"
Seri Raditya -- honest, appears strong but lembik (weak). Suffers from 2 syndromes called, "Sakit Budak" and "Fade to black".
Wijayanti Surya -- sweet, always lost in translation yet witty. Her syndrome is one of its kind. It is called, "Where's the kiblat tonight dear?"
So do not be fooled by these painted faces...

posted by norhayati @ 3:36 AM |
yat, u forgot 2 of my syndromes 1) takut anjing syndrome
2) hati mesti baik syndrome
pikiak..punyer pikiak aku rasa itu sajalah sindrom aku yg ada. Mana ada tons of admirer??...sepatutnye akak Kesuma Wijoyo kiter kan..kan Hmmm..apa lagik eh bole aku tambah..maybe sindrom 'Sakit kuat shopping'?
And not forgetting sindrom "Missy Dutz". Dutz is actually short for Dangdut. So you girls know lah who our Dangdut Queen is. Heheheh!
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yat, u forgot 2 of my syndromes
1) takut anjing syndrome
2) hati mesti baik syndrome