Tuesday, May 25, 2004 |
What's happening to the world??!! |
While you are busy wasting your time away thinking that school sucks, other children in 3rd world countries yearn for the opportunity to learn and study.
While you are busy clearing your wardrobe and getting rid of your old clothes, other children in 3rd world countries are suffering out in the cold with insufficient clothing.
While you are busy eating all the fat laden food and junks, other children in 3rd world countries yearn for a slice of bread or even a scoop of rice.
While you are busy browsing the papers for the latest handphone model to purchase, other children in 3rd world countries may have only heard of a telephone but could get hold of NONE.
While you are depressed thinking about the latest break-up, other children in 3rd world countries are depressed because they have NO HOME & NO FOOD.
While you think your parents suck because they control you, other children in 3rd world countries have to beg by the roadside because they have NO PARENTS to turn to for love.
While you complain that life in Singapore is hard, other children YOUR AGE are probably throwing stones at Army tanks or fearing for their lives living in refugee camps.
Do you think you are lucky? I do.
posted by norhayati @ 3:23 AM |
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