Friday, June 18, 2004 |
Had class just now. Mr Chua was not feeling well so class ended half an hour early. Yipeeee!!! But unfortunately while waiting for my bus at Lakeside, I missed the first bus that came coz it was full and I couldn't squeeze in. Had to wait for the next bus and I reached home at 10.30pm.
Today was Khay's birthday. Initially I wanted to plan a surprise for him... get some of his friends involved or sth...but then... some of his pals cant make it and so what I did was to give him a pizza treat. Khay reached home around 4pm... we wished him Happy Birthday and told him his surprise birthday gift will arrive in an hours time. So he waited. And alas all of us got to enjoy pizzas, chicken wings & lasagne. It was lovely to get together after not meeting my brother since Monday night coz he's got some ops and didnt come home.
Happy 22nd Birthday Khay!
Atiqah's birthday is on June 28th. I'II buy her a Barbie doll and the Barbie doll will have to wear either a princess outfit or a ballerina outfit coz she loves princesses and ballerinas. Heheheheh..... kids! |
posted by norhayati @ 12:13 AM |
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