Saturday, August 06, 2005 |
Cinta itu memang kental |
Food for thought.
A whole 3 hours with the alumni sparked many new ideas and possibilities that one could explore.
Who'd have thought that Cinta can be so kental?
Real life scenarios on how the whole process towards achieving love can be so kental or even how kental love can be.....
- when a friend fell in love with a Mat S'pore who resembled a Mat Mlysia courtesy of his image (ponytail and baggy clothes) and least to say, his fondness to use Mlysian lingo like "kot" and "Ayak". Like hello?! How many S'porean girls can fall for a guy like that?!
- when we found out that a true blue Mat Mlysia(he comes with the goatee and thick, wavy ponytail mind you) hugged and kissed a friend who's crying her heart out on her last day at work. My initial reaction was, "My god! He hugged and kissed you?! Babe, maybe he's got feelings for you! Oh soooo kental!!! Hheheheheh!
- looking at how Mat-Mat Johor courted minah-minah Johor or S'pore. Imagine guys with moustache and either centre parting hair or wavy ponyail and looking much older than their age. Now imagine them trying to attract the girls with words such as "Si cantik manis" and "Hi Cik Adik boleh kenal-kenal?". Doesn't that send a chill down your spine? They are in serious need of better pick up lines!
No offence to anyone okay esp our fellow Mlysian friends. Love transcends all boundaries. And thus you find people falling in love with the right one, the wrong one, the same gender one and of course not forgetting the kental ones. And hey no harm taking a step back to laugh at ourselves and others once in a while. Don't they say that laughter's the best medicine? |
posted by norhayati @ 12:59 AM |
beb, janganlah bilang satu dunia pasal mat tu yang janggut dia terkena dahi aku. padahal nothing la i thk (and i hope) it was an accident. kelakar siak. And you know Zulina sampai sekarang dia ketawakan aku pasal aku sakit perut. Zalim kan!
cheers Minah sakit perut kat mrt
Tu lah siapa suruh makan jamu banyak-banyak... kan dah sakit perut! Oopps... now the whole world knows that you take jamu ;)
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beb, janganlah bilang satu dunia pasal mat tu yang janggut dia terkena dahi aku. padahal nothing la i thk (and i hope) it was an accident. kelakar siak. And you know Zulina sampai sekarang dia ketawakan aku pasal aku sakit perut. Zalim kan!
Minah sakit perut kat mrt