Wednesday, August 10, 2005 |
Hisyam the mat scooter guy has a new passion -- photo taking! So peeps out there, if you're looking for a rookie, cheap photographer with a pair of fake blue eyes, do alert me. As a token of my appreciation for Hisyam's support in the event that I am organising this weekend, I am putting up 2 of his pictures for all to adore... ;)

By the way, Fad just wrote a really beautiful song. However, due to copyright reasons, I can only put up the first 3 verse of his song. So just a teaser for all to sample. Expect the rest of the lyrics this September.
Title: Make Believe
How can you be so lonely In the night When you got him by your side
p.s/ Fad, is the seafood flavoured Maggie mee nice? |
posted by norhayati @ 3:21 AM |