Saturday, January 28, 2006 |
When friends meet, hearts warm. |
23/1/06 Met up with my SIM kakis at our old hangout. So used to that place that we did not even refer to the menu while ordering and my dear Ms Steph Soh simply ordered noodles much to the confusion of the mamak who's taking her order. Tsk... tsk... terrible lah you Steph Soh! Lucky for you I was there to help you with the ordering. What noodle you want huh? Next time must specify okay.
Erin has lost so much weight that she almost looked like me. Almost. Erin, you know me so well to lend me the vcd. It was such a surprise so thank you my dear. I will return it once I'm done.
After that I had to rush to visit Fini who met with an accident. One lesson to learn from her tragic experience... NEVER jaywalk again!
25/1/06 Watched Memoirs of a geisha with my colleagues. There's only 5 of us but it was enough chaos! Great love story. Irna, go watch with eerrm you know who lah eh... hehehe!
26/1/06 Accompanied Yatie Wahab to visit Fini. The first time I saw Fini, she was lying helplessly on her bed but now she's able to move around in her wheelchair. Poor girl. She looked so helpless.
And I had a good catching up session with Yatie. And yes babe, we've talked and I think you should go for it if the offer comes.
27/1/06 Celebrated Irna's birthday.
28/1/06 Sleepover!!! My only worry... how to get out of the cooking bit?! Let me dream of a plan tonight.
"Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts..." My dear chairman, maybe we should all start to be more sensitive towards each other's needs and feelings. Like what have been mentioned, maybe you only see things in your perspectives but not others'. |
posted by norhayati @ 1:28 AM |
Maybe you are right. Things should always be look at in different perspectives and most importantly from an aerial point of view. To the chairman, feel the problem and react accordingly. We can only give advises but ultimately you are calling the shots. It's not easy to please everybody especially that special someone. Be more sensitive and more patient k. Good Luck!
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Maybe you are right. Things should always be look at in different perspectives and most importantly from an aerial point of view. To the chairman, feel the problem and react accordingly. We can only give advises but ultimately you are calling the shots. It's not easy to please everybody especially that special someone. Be more sensitive and more patient k. Good Luck!