Thursday, February 12, 2004 |
I have to start my research soon. Gonna be super duper busy by the last week of February since school's starting next week! Oh no! Yes Yati... wake up please... school's starting next week darling!
Sent Yatie Wahab off at the airport yesterday with Netty. I guessed Netty, Yatie & I were trying very hard to fight back our tears and Thank God no one cried or else.... hehehehehh!!!! I'm gonna miss Yatie sooo much! Heck it's 1 year anyway so it's gonna pass by quickly.
Today Kak Fauz called me and she told me Zul's wife just gave birth to a baby boy last Saturday!!! Yipeee! Second son! Congratulations Mr Zul! Gosh! I forgot to sms him... better sms Zul tomorrow.
I just read the Pearlines entry just now. Naddy...your entry was sooo funny! I can't help laughing very hard. Thank God I'm NOT drinking as I was reading your entry or else.... tersembur kat monitor nanti! I love the classic Miss Klutz tales.... eh can make into a comic strip! Kiak kiak kiak!
Got a meeting tomorrow and I'd better NOT forget to email Fini the photos that I took at the airport with Yatie and Netty. Hhmm... I'm going to email it to Fini now... |
posted by norhayati @ 9:40 PM |
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