Monday, March 15, 2004 |
When will my cough be cured??? |
Still coughing.... This is so frustrating. I've spent $56 going to the doctor TWICE and I'm still coughing. In fact now my throat hurts. My mum has been pestering me to go to Dr Yong. Hhmm.... let me see. Maybe I'II give Dr Lai a call and see what she says. I'II just have to tell her that I've finished with all the medication that she prescribed but I'm Still Coughing!!! Reminds me of Jules when she had her cough. She was coughing for weeks in the office.... better ask her tomorrow how her cough stopped.
Did nothing today which is really great since I've been working non-stop the past week. After this, I'II have to go through my notes and prepare for my individual and group project. Frankly, I have no idea what Rodney Goon's talking about during lecture last Friday!!! Hheheheheh!!! Was too tired to concentrate I guess.
Tomorrow the new AP is coming and both Fini and I will have to brief her on the program. I'm still waiting for my boss to reply if the Yishun Dam story is okay. I have to film it by this Friday!!! Still need to check if Suhaiman Joseph is free.... Kwa kwa kwa.... Suhaiman Joseph? Whatever! Once story is approved, I'II have to do the filming script, get it approved etc. Wow suddenly like there's so many things that needs to be done.
I also have to go to SIM library tomorrow and check for the 10 academic references. Aiyoh!!! Rodney Goon! Why you need 10 academic references? Kiasu lah you!
It's okay. Relax. Don't panic. This is just a phase. Rodney's module will be over by end April. But till then, just have to endure the frustration and agony.... |
posted by norhayati @ 11:39 PM |
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