Saturday, February 14, 2004 |
Guess what I did for V-Day .... went to Bukit Timah nature reserve with Apul, Baqir & Zak! Heheheh!!! And Baq showed me the 3 caves that can be found there. Hhmm... well at least I can try to work out something... why is the cave closed and where does it lead to coz it seems like there is a light at the end of the cave. It has to lead you to some open space I believe. The light seemed so distant and I'm determined to explore it. I took lots of pictures of the cave so that I can present it to the authorities in my so-called investigation... Heheeeheh!!!
During the hike, I realised my stamina was so damn weak and low! It's been years since I last exercised and I have to regain my fitness level!!! Need to start exercising!!! I've told Baqir that it'd be a good idea to go hiking once a month and he agreed to it. Our AIM -- to hike from Bukit Timah to McRitchie reservoir by the end of the year! Wow! I can't wait for this to happen! Hopefully I'II be super FIT by then!
Religious class today was so enlightening! Cik Tayib questioned each and everyone of us on salat, its significance and what good does it bestow upon you who do it... WOW!!!! I really enjoyed today's class. Even though NOT many attended the class, the lecture presented was interesting and rejuvenating!
Atiqah wasn't her normal self today when I saw her in majlis... and this was weird! She wouldn't even want to play with the other kids! Gosh! What's the matter with you darling? So I had to literally pull her into the room and force her to play with the other kids. Can you believe it? She never needed any forcing when it comes to playing & having fun. But she went to normal-mood mode after a while so I guessed everything's fine and I basically missed every single thing that Ustaz Aziz presented. I was busy entertaining the kids in the room.
Today I would like to THANK:-
GOD for still keeping me alive
Baqir, Apul & Zak for accompanying me to Bt Timah
Udin for driving us to Bukit Timah
Qatsier for meeting us at Al-Azhar. This simply means added FUN
Cik Tayib for the truly rejuvenating lecture in class
The Pearlines for making me laugh NONE stop
Ajis for the karipaps
Kak Long for accompanying me to visit Shikin tomorrow
My Parents for bringing me to this beautiful world
Thank you All! I feel so Blessed! Thank you!
posted by norhayati @ 11:51 PM |
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