Tuesday, February 24, 2004 |
How's it been? Well not too bad I'II say. School's great. It's nice to meet up with the usual bunch AGAIN -- Erin, Anita, Steph & Jean. Anu & Isher were absent. Too busy with work I guessed. The lecturer? Hhmm... Erin & I were making fun of Rodney Goon when we first saw him. He's got that sly and snobbish looking grin on his face and we thought this was one lecturer we're bound to hate but alas.... he's the total opposite! Rodney Goon was witty and horny. This 55 year old man made lecture such a breeze and I believe I will not fall asleep in his class even after a whole day of shoot! Gerenti beb! Heheheheh!!!
Work on the other hand, is not looking very rosy for me. I'm still lacking stories for my program and the various organisations that I've contacted has not been very forthcoming in assisting me with the program. Sigh! Oh Never mind.
And Muharram.... very enlightening indeed! I've attended 3 days of majlises and I hope to be present for all 10 days. Insyallah. Ihsan gave me this web addy -- www.alulbayt.com and I listened to one of the lectures by Sayed Mahdi Al-Modarresi. Oh my God! It was so enlightening and I had a warm feeling in my stomach while browsing through the pictures of the people in London commemorating the death of Imam Husayn. I don't know why but I was touched I guessed. The lecture hall was filled to its brim and it was interesting to know that there are many others around the world who commemorate the death of Al-Husayn just as you.
There's been 3 death occasions in my neighbourhood within a week or maybe even less -- an old Malay auntie living on the 7th floor, my mum's friend's mother-in-law and currently some Chinese man/woman. They just set up the tables, chairs, altars and coffin today. And on my way back just now, I saw some Chinese man seated on a round table chatting away. It's weird. I'II tell you why. Because for the past week, between midnight and 3 AM in the morning, I heard some chirping, whistle like sound and this sound seemed to come from a bird coz the sound seemed to travel in a roundabout manner till there's 1 occasion it really sounded close to my window. But then again.... no birds come out at night except for the owl.... And the next day, I will, without fail, received news of a death that happened in my neighbourhood! The thought of it sent chills down my spine! I heard the same sound again yesterday and I wondered to myself... is someone going to die or is it death calling out to me? Gosh! I was so scared that I had difficulty sleeping. And why was I afraid? Duh?! Coz I'm not ready to die yet! I've sinned a lot in my life and I'm sure I'II go to hell!!!! NO!!!!!
Now it's 1.20AM and I do not hear the weird sound anymore. Maybe when I hear it again, I should just try and peer out my window to see the source of this sound. But then again... what if it's something that I never wish to see...
posted by norhayati @ 12:53 AM |
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