Sunday, August 28, 2005 |
Any volunteers...? |
Yatie Wahab and I are currently volunteering for a homework supervision program every Sunday morning at Bukit Batok. It's a 2 hour program where students who come from supposedly low income families are supervised in their homeworks by volunteers.
Volunteers here means amazing human beings who can sacrifice their sleep on Sunday morning to teach for FREE. It also refer to average Tom and Jane who are coerced/feel obligated to teach because asked to do so by parents or other adults or simply waiting to cabut come 2006. They also teach for FREE.
Each level (from primary 1 to sec 4) are assigned about 2-3 volunteers who will take turns to teach every week so at least they only teach every fortnight.
So when I saw Bedah online, I asked her if she's coming on Sunday since her partner won't be coming. Bedah was shocked and began to snap at me saying she's got lots of things to do and why didn't her partner tell her that she won't be around etc etc. In short, Bedah planned on not coming and assumed that it's okay coz her partner, Joyah will be around. Joyah too, probably assumed that Bedah will be around and therefore, it's okay to not come... which brings me to my next point.
Slowly one by one of the volunteers are either backing out or not coming because of various reasons from being lazy, to having to study, to work and to God knows what else... but I guess we have to accomodate coz they are after all, volunteers (kindly refer to the various meanings).
So I appeal to friends who are free on Sunday morning to come and volunteer their time to teach these kids. While you may not be paid, you will encounter an enriching and humbling experience teaching the rascals and angels alike and hopefully whatever knowledge imparted to these kids will go a long way in enriching their lives as students.
So what say you? |
posted by norhayati @ 12:32 AM |
hmm well, its true many of the tutors seem to have lost interest in teaching, but that is not the only and main reason why so many people are not turning up. 1st, it may be due largely to bad leadership and organisation... it seems like all the ics do are to get in more students to participate and get more visits from the mp whom nobody even care to know. wheres the roster ? even if the tutors start losing their committment, why didnt anyone from the so called management call the tutors? and with such efficient backing from the carry balls association MEAC, why cant they recruit more tutors to participate. I'm sure with their extensive networking, they can easily identify qualified tutors( poly, uni, jc) who live nearby to come and tutor. which brings me to my other pt. We tutors arent robots; imagine juggling school, job(s), society... it is truly much easier said than done. and we ourselves have to set our priorities right and manage our time properly. Plus many of the tutors dont actually live in the proximity so undeniably it is a lot of hassle to travel so far.
I really dont see anything wrong if the tutor chooses to spread out his schedule further to fulfill his other committments. We arent bound by any contract or rules; just ethics. While some ppl have disregard for work etiquette and committment, others may quit because the organisation seems to be running rather haphazardly now, and yet others really really cannot avoid devoting less time than they were used to previously.
Thank you Anonymous for your comment. I truly appreciate it.
Yes I agree with you that there is so much that the org MAEC (not MEAC dik) can do and they should be more proactive in recruiting new tutors. But why aren't they doing anything? Are they simply in denial that the tuition ctr is like "hidup segan, mati tak mahu" or is it because no one has told them, hey look we have a situation here!
When was the last time the committee has had a meeting with MAEC members to discuss solely on the tutors issue?
I also agree with you that the tutors are not robots and that they have other commitments on hand. But if all tutors play their part, they only need to teach twice a month. With the absence of tutors because of their other commitments, there are tutors who have to come every week. Please tell me if that is fair to these tutors who have other obligations as well.
And you're right that it is definitely easier said than done but why don't we all try? And if you can't commit, help to find a replacement. At least this will help to lessen the burden.
I hope the entry on my blog will help spur fellow tutors to share their feelings and thoughts. The objective is NOT to shift the blame and start pointing fingers BUT to see how we can help lessen the workload of everyone.
If my words are harsh and hurt anyone in any way, I'm truly sorry and apologise.
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hmm well, its true many of the tutors seem to have lost interest in teaching, but that is not the only and main reason why so many people are not turning up. 1st, it may be due largely to bad leadership and organisation... it seems like all the ics do are to get in more students to participate and get more visits from the mp whom nobody even care to know. wheres the roster ? even if the tutors start losing their committment, why didnt anyone from the so called management call the tutors? and with such efficient backing from the carry balls association MEAC, why cant they recruit more tutors to participate. I'm sure with their extensive networking, they can easily identify qualified tutors( poly, uni, jc) who live nearby to come and tutor.
which brings me to my other pt. We tutors arent robots; imagine juggling school, job(s), society... it is truly much easier said than done. and we ourselves have to set our priorities right and manage our time properly. Plus many of the tutors dont actually live in the proximity so undeniably it is a lot of hassle to travel so far.
I really dont see anything wrong if the tutor chooses to spread out his schedule further to fulfill his other committments. We arent bound by any contract or rules; just ethics. While some ppl have disregard for work etiquette and committment, others may quit because the organisation seems to be running rather haphazardly now, and yet others really really cannot avoid devoting less time than they were used to previously.