Monday, August 02, 2010 |
There is a candle in ur heart ready 2 b kindled. There is a void in ur soul ready 2 b filled. U feel it, don't u? - RUMI |
posted by norhayati @ 10:53 AM |
Losing myself to the rat race... |
My Lord, I have wasted my life committing the crime of forgetting You and played havoc with my youth, intoxicated with keeping myself away from You. I request You to forgive me because forgiveness is a characteristic of Your Kindness. My Lord, I am Your powerless sinning slave and Your repentant bondman. So do not make me one of those from whom You turn away Your face, and whom his negligence has secluded from Your forgiveness. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:56 AM |
Excerpts from the Invocation of Shabaniyah |
In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful
My Lord, bestow Your blessings on Muhammad and his descendants; respond to my prayer when I pray to You; listen to my call when I call You; and turn to me when I make my submission to You in confidence. I have come running to You and am standing before You imploring You in humility and hoping to get the reward You have for me. You know what is in my heart, and You are aware of what I need. You know my mind and are not unaware of my future and of my present, of what I want to begin my speech with; of the request I would utter, and of the hopes I have in regard to my ultimate lot.
My Lord, whatever You have destined for me up to tbe end of my life, whether concerning the open aspect of my life or the hidden aspect of it, is bound to come. What is to my advantage and what is to my disadvantage - all my losses and gains are in Your hand, not in the hand of anybody else.
My Lord, if You deprive me, who else will provide me; and if You let me down, who else will help me? |
posted by norhayati @ 12:24 AM |
Thursday, July 29, 2010 |
Random |
"The reason why I like FIX YOU is because it's not poetic. It's just completely naked." - Chris Martin
"It's never easy to hear criticism but it's always helpful and useful in the end." - Chris Martin |
posted by norhayati @ 1:00 AM |
Sunday, May 09, 2010 |
Today my mum celebrated Mother's Day at Blk N, Lim Chu Kang Muslim Cemetery....
With the demise of my beloved grandmother last Thursday afternoon at NUH, it ended a chapter in her life but opened my view to many new things. Personally, it was a painful loss as I grew up spending much of my childhood with my late grandmother. It was even more painful to see my grandfather lost his friend, companion and confidant of 47 years. That day, he was a broken man and to see that, only broke my heart.
I was there to witness the janazah rites of my late grandmother and did what little I could as we prepared her for her final rest. It was an emotional experience. When I was young, my late grandmother used to dress me up and now it was my turn to help shroud her tiny, lifeless body.
Death is painful but it served a bigger purpose in life. As long as there is birth without death, humans will not learn the important lesson of loving and appreciating what we have been blessed with. With death, comes that feeling of emptiness and loneliness and to counter that, we will offer prayers, visit graves or look at old photographs to capture past memories with the dead. While doing so, we will rekindle with the past, maybe even view it differently than before and learn to treasure the moments shared. This is an important lesson in human relations. We have to be constantly reminded to thank God for His blessings. |
posted by norhayati @ 10:06 AM |
Saturday, April 03, 2010 |
Something Inspiring... |
"I didn't have any money and I didn't have any job offers and I was really scared and I was depressed. But I do believe that's when you do your soul-searching. I think when you have these trials that life gives you, it is an opportunity to find out who you are. Not just who you are when everything's great but who you are when everything's taken away from you and you have nothing."
"One of the things that I learnt as I got older is that it's not about everybody approving of what I say. It's about if I believe in it and if I'm being truly honest. I don't want to be hurtful but I want to be honest."
"I knew for sure that I would never change any of the hard times that I went through in my life. Because it was in those times that I grew the most and gained the most perspective."
- Ellen DeGeneres |
posted by norhayati @ 1:36 PM |
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 |
This afternoon I had a difficult conversation about the future of my grandmother. I was discussing with the social worker about her condition and why we needed to relieve my grandfather from shouldering the responsibility of caring for my grandmother. He is in his 70s and at that age, caring for a very sick person becomes harder, even harder when there's only 2 of them left at home. He had no one to confide in, no one to share his sorrow with and as usual, I could only listened as he poured his hearts out to me. He was tired and he was worried about my grandmother and her health condition. Her frequent trips to the hospital forced him to quit his job. He can't even go for his Friday prayers because my grandmother needs care 24/7. Life is difficult for him and I could see it on his face that he's dying for some air to breathe.
With my grandmother in the hospital, he had difficulty sleeping, sometimes hearing her voice in the middle of the night when actually, she's away. When my grandmother's at home, his sleep was frequently disrupted with her calling out to him asking for things that when she wasn't at home, he felt incomplete.
Today, he told me that he loves my grandmother despite her sickness, despite her looking so plain and dull, despite her not smelling nice. This is TRUE LOVE and I was touched that I could almost tear. I guess it's just a matter of time before a new routine presents itself before him. In the meantime, I shall just wait for the social worker. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:31 AM |
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 |
Woman |
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul It is the caring that she lovingly gives The passion that she shows And the beauty of a woman with passing years... only grows - Audrey Hepburn |
posted by norhayati @ 11:52 AM |
Sunday, February 21, 2010 |
'The One' |
The Jakarta that I visited was a busy, bustling city booming with people and vehicles. I slept a lot when I was there. I slept in the van as we moved from one location to another only to wake up when we near our destination. One night, I slept as everyone sat in my room chatting away and I only woke up to have my late night hot shower (which I loved). My tired body was telling me it was deprived of sleep and I was just giving in to my body's needs. Some well deserved rest.
I also read a lot in Jakarta. The bookworm in me unleashed itself and soaked in Elizabeth Gilbert's latest book, 'Committed'. I read in the mall, at the coffee joint, in the airport, in the plane, in my room when I couldn't sleep. Which brought me to some interesting discoveries as I asked my travelling companions on how they decided on 'The One'. Yes 'The One' whom you eventually choose to get married to and have kids. Coz you see, Farah had been telling me about 'The One' but this is one philosophy/phrase (whatever you call it) I cannot possibly comprehend (despite my old age. shucks!). And I got some interesting answers.
Abg Mok - 'The One' for me is someone whom I can envision as the mother of my children.
Wan - 'The One' for me is someone charismatic.
Kak S - 'The One' for me is someone who loves me more than I love him.
Keya - 'The One' for me is someone whom my mum gave her blessings to.
A variety of answers which explains that 'The One' brings about different meanings to different people. Honestly, I've never thought about 'The One'. The furthest I'd went was to think of someone I like as my lover. No thoughts of him as my husband and definitely not 'The One'. Could 'The One' for me be the guy who gives me that nice, warm fuzzy feeling in my tummy everytime I see him or could 'The One' for me be the dude whom I keep going to in times of need? I have no idea but like Miss Farah Goh said, you will know when you meet 'The One'. |
posted by norhayati @ 11:13 PM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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