Thursday, August 17, 2006 |
My Sweet Angel |
I am down with fever, Khay is down with migraine and Atiqah just came back from the dentist. Suddenly there are 3 sick babies at home and my mum religiously nursed each and everyone of us.
Suddenly this 26 years old feels like a 6 years old.
Thank you mummy! You are my angel! |
posted by norhayati @ 1:51 AM |
Crippled by a disease |
How can you quit something you never try? And you didn't even tell me why. But no matter how I tried, I can't hate you anymore. Sometimes when you held so tight, it just slipped off your hand.
I am down with fever AGAIN! It was only last week that I was on MC for fever and diarrhoe and today my immune system shut down on me again. Work was not that stressful to begin with and surprise, surprise, when you least expected it, you started feeling feverish and had difficulty getting up for work. Lucky me for a supportive supervisor and colleague.
I'm not too sure if my angst is slowly eating me up from within. So lesson of the day, let others be the way they want to be coz flaring up will only make me sick. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:05 AM |
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 |
In good company |

posted by norhayati @ 2:19 AM |
Tuesday, August 08, 2006 |
listen to the music |
These were shots of the girls and I while we were chilling out at Arab Street. Netty was recommending a few new songs for us to listen so you can check each and everyone of us out as we "tangkap lentok" & "tangkap mood". But the funny thing was that amongst all of us, I was the only one who needed to listen to the song twice before I can really get the mood and feel of the song. When Irna said the song was sad and as she went on and on about how sad the song was, I almost fell from my chair! One trial and I was lost and I needed a second trial before I really got the meaning?! Girls, please do not give up on me yet. And Net, I still want you to recommend me whatever new songs you have.

posted by norhayati @ 1:05 AM |
Audio |
Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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