The surprise that surprised me! |
Today's lunch was a planned surprise for Diana who treated us during her birthday on March 28th. Almost a month later, I was spooked by the fact that we did not buy Diana anything for her birthday! Feeling of guilt kicked in! We had to give her something and Didi and I chanced upon the opportunity to surprise her with LUNCH today at SCREEN ROOM!
So while happily dining with the rest, Marinah and Didi stepped into the room, carrying a paper bag and sang the birthday song. Thinking that it was a belated gift for Diana, I joined them and happily sang away. The shock came when Didi told me that the gift was for me and I was like, "Eh, eh for me?! I thought it's Diana's!" So that was my selenge episode for the day.
They bought me a beautiful flowery shawl which Alex said I can also use to make a tudung that looks like Erica Badu's headgear. I think I'II need a personal stylist to do that for me. Anyway, another surprise greeted me slightly later when Miss Yatie Wahab dropped by the office to give me Marks and Spencers voucher. And best thing of all, it's not even my birthday yet!
To Didi, Farah, Diana, Marinah, Elly, Alex, Sani and Ezra, thank you for the gift! I love it! To Miss Yatie, you're the distant friend who's always there and I thank you for that. |
posted by norhayati @ 5:11 PM |
Friday, April 20, 2007 |
The grass is always greener on the other side |
I spoke to Mar and told her how envious I was of her job She’s complaining of fatigue while I yearn to travel. She complains of the long Film and TV markets while I long to travel and meet the other “creative” people.
Then… a thought came to mind
I was at Mar’s place when she was leaving for Cannes last year and I witnessed the madness! Madness of packing her bag for the 1 week trip and her mum busy ensuring that Mar knew how to use the cooking pot while in Cannes. Madness of ensuring that all the program catalogues are properly packed, that all the screeners are in and crossing her fingers that the luggage will not go missing in Cannes airport!
And… that was enough for me
I guess the others are right when they said, “The grass is always greener on the other side”
ps/ Mar, but deep in my heart, I still want your job ; ) |
posted by norhayati @ 5:50 PM |
Saturday, April 14, 2007 |
When friends meet, hearts warm |
The Bottom Line Don't be self-conscious about sharing your problems with your friends today.
In Detail (What the horoscope says) Your friends want to help you! So don't worry about sharing your problems with them today. And don't assume that you know how they'll react, because you don't. You know these people very well, but they are still capable of surprising you from time to time. Their compassion will make you feel loved and cared for, just as your compassion makes them feel loved and cared for. What you put out into the universe is coming back to you.
In Reality (What I've been up to) No major problems in life YET but it's been a whole week of catching up with the people that matters! The first one was with my mataharies followed by my SIM kakis and I just reached home about 30 minutes ago from a catching up session with the lovely people in the office and right now, I am chatting with Farah & Alex on MSN! I guess the dinner at KTM just wasn't enough!
To Daphne, thanks for giving us a treat and I certainly hope that you will join us for more catching up sessions with the rest of the gila bunch. Miss Steph Yeow, you looked great the other day and I was just joking about you gaining weight. Anu dear, we have a lunch date this Monday so hope to see you at the "Meeting Point".
Let me end this entry with a random quote from Mr Alex... "Aku selalu kacau Didi. Sekarang aku pun sama!" ("I'm always distrubing Didi but now I'm just like her!")
Moral of the story?
You go figure. |
posted by norhayati @ 2:54 AM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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