Saturday, January 31, 2004 |
Time: 2.41AM
Day: Saturday (Eve of Hari Raya Haji)
The weekend's finally here!!! Hehheheh.
Watched The Godfather earlier on P5. I almost dozed off when I first watched it but it just got better as the minutes passed. Al Pacino's brilliant and no wonder Francis Ford Copolla is hailed by many as a genius!!
On Friday, I got an email from the Boss abt 647km2. Production meeting on Tuesday, 3pm. I'd better
not forget this. Set a reminder on my mobile for this. Gosh!! I'm sooo looking forward to 647km2. Hartanah is soo dry but thank God I'm still sane after producing it. Kiak kiak kiak....
My dad's been having some problems with his back, in particular his left side of the body so Khay sent dad to Cik Ahmad Baba's place for a massage and my dad came back with his back all RED. It looked so scary as if someone just beat him up. But dad certainly felt better. He can now move about without feeling pain and I'm relieved to see him alright. Dad brought a cake which Cik Yati prepared. It's a birthday cake for my sis and it's got a face.... sooo cute and Atiqah loves it soo much! She kept looking at it and even asked me to sing her a birthday song and I willingy comply....
"happy birthday to you..."
"happy birthday to you..."
"happy birthday to Atiqah..."
"happy birthday to you!!!"
(claps, cheers but sorry no candles darling)
Saiful wanted to eat the cake when he saw it (As Usual...) but he'll have to wait till this Sunday. Sorry man!
Gonna bring the birthday cake to my grandma's place this Hari Raya Haji, let Atiqah cut it and share it with the rest of the cousins. Yeah make Atiqah happy even though it's not her birthday yet. I guess I'm gonna order a birthday cake from Cik Yati on Atiqah's birthday. Ask her to design some cartoon face maybe.... heheheheh
Today's gonna be a BUSY day. There's a few things that I will need to do...
1) Go to Jurong Point and get baby gift sets for Kak Maisyah & Shikin.
2) Bring Atiqah to Taman Jurong McDonald's and treat her to ice-cream. I'm gonna have the McColosso.
3) Clean up the house!!! Khay will have to wash my room fan. It's been collecting dusts for months.
4) Get ready my clothes for Salat Raya on Sunday morning.
posted by norhayati @ 2:49 AM |
Friday, January 30, 2004 |
Time: 2.06AM
Finished my ep6 offline today!!! Sooo happy! Hopefully can send online by mid next week...Heheheh
Today I had the sudden urge to go shopping after work today since my major essay is done and I'm finishing my offline as well. Jules asked me to go shopping with her. Apa lagi? It was fun!!! I bought 2
tops from U2, sponge, Neutrogena moisturiser, Ginger Grapefruit aeromatherapy oil and tealight candles. Finally I feel complete! Went to many shops actually but there's not that many nice clothes. Most shops
only selling left-over Chinese New Year clothes.... which is oh sooo boooring!
Met Farah today. She's with Ravin. I was eating the new McDonald's ice-cream - Chocolate McColosso with Jules when I saw dear Farah. McColosso's quite nice actually. I wanna eat it again but this time with Atiqah.
Been promising her a McDonalds trip to buy ice-cream...hmm maybe this weekend before Hari Raya Haji.
Farah's NOT doing 647km2!!! come? The boss wants Yatie Wahab to do it but she's leaving
for Australia in February. So anyone out there interested to be Assistant Producer for 647km2?? You'll
enjoy it. Trust me. So there's only gonna be Fini, myself and the AP for 647km2. Sigh! And I wonder who's the host... hope the Bosses will retain the old ones. Easier to work with them.
posted by norhayati @ 2:04 AM |
Thursday, January 22, 2004 |
What a day it has been... Pulled the gag on Fini while in the office. Funnylah coz she seemed a bit hesitant but then again, she was very co-operative when Dino (who pretended to be from HDB) asked for her IC, her possesions etc. But she still seemed dazed even after she found out that the whole office was just playing a prank on her!!! Poor Fini! Must be one birthday she will NOT forget....kiak kiak kiak! This prank business is certainly GOOD business... pandai si Aaron & Diyana for coming up with tis idea.... Hhmm... let's see who's next on the pranksters' list. Can't pull it on any ScreenBoxians coz everyone's aware of The Assassins... maybe SIM friends.... Hehehheh
Tomorrow got katibah liao and most of the peeps NOT going...Hhmm... and I've got my major essay to do and complete by Sunday coz there's filming! Oh no! How? How? Research & structure still NOT done. I can't possible do my major essay in Imam Baragh can I? Hhmm.... let me see....
posted by norhayati @ 12:38 AM |
Tuesday, January 20, 2004 |
Me, myself & I...
Heheeheh!!! Finally got my own blogspot! Thanks Naddy for introducing me to the world of the blogger...
Today was my last lesson for the module. Unfortunately I've got a major essay that needs to be done and due on 27th... Sigh... |
posted by norhayati @ 12:05 AM |
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