Friday, July 22, 2005 |
Mar just linked me up and so instead of surfing through mandy for a job, I end up surfing Mar's blog and laughed myself mad! I simply loved those black and white pictures Mar and your latest entry cracked me up BIG time!
And so while surfing, I came upon an entry where she wrote about those days when we had our Studio Production module.... learning all about multi-cam shoot, the lighting board, the vision mixer, doing our own sets and of course the audio room which provided much comfort and solace (coz there, you can gossip about anybody and anyone! Including the LECTURER!!! Tee hee!)
(This was copied and pasted from Mar's blog....) We had the indie band 'Moods' playing for us for a show, so during the technical prep period, Teng L., Audrey, Yati and me had to be stand ins for them. Quite honestly, we were the last people anyone can choose to stand in for any sort of band. Teng L. was on drums, Yati on base, Audrey on lead, and I was suppose to be the vocals. They were playing Radiohead's 'High n Dry' over the speakers, and the only sound all of us could make was during the chorus was "Don't leave me high..." and each of us, one after another will go, "high,high,high,high""Don't leave me dry..." - "dry,dry,dry,dry"Even better, an ode to Audrey's bright idea, she came up with a dance sequence for all of us as well...Oh God, -that must have been quite a sight!
It was all FUN especially for all the girls including me and Noi who whispered to each other on how cute one of the band member from 'Moods' was! With his uncombed hair... And that smile.... that literally melted all of our hearts and only yearning for more! And the mole... was it under his lips??? Oh who cares? He still looked cute with or without the mole! Damn!
And also one scary experience during Mok Leng Leng's class. Mar, Audrey, Claud and I were happily munching outside the studio while the rest were inside. It was already night time and we're still having a recording. So while munching and gossiping away, suddenly there was a loud knock from the back door. And I shouted, "Come in! Door's not locked!" Then came the knock again and I turned back to see who's at the back door. And from where I stood, I could see that there's NO ONE behind the door! So where did the knock come from? Then there was..... SILENCE. All of us simply froze for a while before exchanging glances. And blame it on perfect timing, coz almost immediately someone had to call everyone to come in and stand at their positions and sweet Mar, Aud and Claud had to scare me saying all sorts of nonsense. Coz you see, I'm in charge of audio which means that I'II be in the audio room which was just across the room! Damn I thought to myself! I've heard of many stories with regards to the studio in school but never have I thought that I would be experiencing it for myself. That night, while doing the audio, I also chanted as many holy verses that I could possibly remember to calm myself down. Hehehehheh! It was funny I tell you. Having to concentrate on the instructions from the panel and having to chant those verses! It's HARD okay! Don't laugh (VERY RUDE people!)
I missed my Studio Production class! |
posted by norhayati @ 2:44 AM |
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 |
My standing ovation to Noi Noi and the rest for the courage to speak up...
Hi Dixon, Im glad about your proposal in making freelance rates transparent. Even though it may not be as straight forward when it comes to giving a quote to clients (cos really, it's ultimately up to the individual anyway), the rates can serve as a framework for all. And the main reason why companies get to exploit is becos there'll ALWAYS be somebody who's willing to work for long hours at a lower pay. To curb that problem, there ought to be a reasonable rate for all to gauge. If say, all disagree to accept a fee that's below standard, they'll be a time when production houses have no choice but to absorb the cost of paying that amount. But they will not be in a losing end, cos they'll find a way to balance that out, probably by throwing back to their clients. A collective effort is definitely needed in order to make a change such as this, and to push ourselves out of situations where companies get to exploit anyone. Stop accepting unreasonable proposals / rates. By doing the opposite, change will NEVER happen. We'll still be complaining about how bad the industry is 5, 10 years down the road, yet expect someone else to somehow change the entire situation around and make our lives better. We ARE the industry. We are responsible in making our lives better. By slogging and yielding to unreasonable rates, we are making things difficult for ourselves but easy for the companies. How many of us actually realize this?
Regards, Noi (6th batch)
And yes people... the industry is really BAD now especially for those who are doing Malay programmes like me. But hey, if we can pick ourselves up from this, then we'll be able to go through ANYTHING!!!
"I'm a SURVIVOR! I'm gonna make it.... " (humming to the tune by Destiny's Child)
Food for thought which I copied somewhere.... Tee hee ; ) "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one is watching." |
posted by norhayati @ 2:56 PM |
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 |
Hey Mar, I miss you too!!!! There's just so many things that I wanna tell you! Stuff that's been happening to me -- the good, the bad and of course the ugly! Heheheheh! Cliche kan... I know! But who cares?!
Wait for my call darling. We'll meet up soon and let's pull farah in so that I have someone to accompany me home ; ) |
posted by norhayati @ 1:13 AM |
Wednesday, July 06, 2005 |
My heartfelt sorry and condolences goes out to Ihsan, Sajjad and Zaina. I hope that you peeps will continue to stay strong despite what happened. While you may cry over the lost, I think you also have a reason to smile knowing that you had such a beautiful and wonderful grandmother.
Personally, I do not know makwe but I grew up seeing makwe in majlis-majlis doa and how my mum would go over to her for a chat while I just looked on. I was very young back then. Maybe around 8 or 9 but I can vividly remember her smiling to me as I shook and kissed her hand. Such a serene look she had.
Remember our last youth Hari Raya outing? That was the last time that I met her at Ihsan's place. And she still remembered me! After all those years! I may not say this then but I was honoured and touched that somebody else's grandmother still remembered me even though we have not met for so long. And I hope and pray that she will be with the ones loved by God for she herself was a loving soul, no doubt.
And for that I hope that we remain strong despite the difficult times for only God knows what is best for us.
From your sister, yati : ) |
posted by norhayati @ 7:48 PM |
Sunday, July 03, 2005 |
Pix that's long overdue... |
Fad, you surely have a way to cheer me up and for that I must THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! Thanks for the pix and the clip man!
Below are long overdue pix of our trip to Ritz Carlton for Pesta Perdana. Check it out people...
 Len, Ros, Fad and I posing before the event.
 Len, Fad, Nen, Jules, myself and our Bapak Haizat.
 This pix was taken after the event. Don't we all looked so gorgeous? Hehehe...!
P.S/Oh by the way, if you peeps are wondering, I'm actually wearing my normal work clothes to Pesta Perdana! Not glam at all but still-can-make-it type... if you know what I mean.
Toodles! |
posted by norhayati @ 12:41 AM |
Saturday, July 02, 2005 |
I'm not too sure if crying myself to sleep is actually something therapeutic or simply me being pathetic. I've been doing it for 2 nights now. God! I really am pathetic!
Like the Apek in the P.Ramlee movie that said,"Hidup susah. Mati pun susah." Translated as it's hard both living and dying.
And I cannot agree with you more Apek. Not bad.... Apek can also be a philosopher in his own right. Well... all thanks to Tan Sri P.Ramlee.
To Fad and Fins, THANK YOU for your smses... sayang jugak korang pat aku ya.... siap hantar sms semua... siang & malam.
To my pests especially Nyamuk & Kiks, THANK YOU for sticking around! And Kiks... you're so wonderful and I just love you so much! Kiss... kiss...
To Zul, I can walk home from Jurong stadium lah. It's so near to my place.... about 5 minutes walk. I feel like a baby when you insisted that I took the cab back. Heheheh... cute lah Zul ni!
Oh and to Stephy and Fins again, THANK YOU for being my referees. Steph, please rehearse what you're going to say. Say all the NICEST things about me and please use words such as KEY TEAM PLAYER, COMMITTED and DEDICATED.
Oh I gotta go now coz my bro Apul brought back curry pizza! Yum.... Yum... Attack!!! |
posted by norhayati @ 12:03 AM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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