Thursday, March 30, 2006 |
The Insomniac's Back |
Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.... bumped into level 4... Wide Awake!!!
Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy... Natra & Diana... Slightly Awake
Too bad the coffee's not working its magic anymore.
I really need to revise my sleeping pattern. Dozing off on the couch only to wake up again in the wee hours of the morning is not a good idea.
In the mean time, back to work. |
posted by norhayati @ 11:45 AM |
Monday, March 27, 2006 |
The day I left my first love... |
As we all sat in a big circle, there they were around me...... the familiar faces with the same old jokes behind the similar backdrop that we have all grown accustomed to.
It was amazing how everyone still lingered on and not moved a muscle even though the meeting was adjourned. And finally, we set off for supper and desserts and even then, it felt so hard to depart.
It felt like you're leaving your first love. Hard but you are just compelled to.
And yes they are my first love. And what we did together was in many ways, similar to being in a relationship. Experimenting with new ideas, doing new things, making mistakes and learning from them. It was all fun and joy with a couple of setbacks in between. But what we learnt from the experience was definitely worth it.
I am going to miss working with every single one of them. My beloved brothers and sisters.
But oh well, at least there's the April birthday bash to look forward to.
Counting down from today... |
posted by norhayati @ 12:07 AM |
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 |
Cinta itu memang kental part 4 or is it part 5...? |
(trashy entry that only makes sense to the pple involved)
Cinta itu memang kental apabila...
1) Anda telah 'chop' baju pengantin yang anda lihat di kedai mak andam. Yang part kental nya ialah anda belum berpunya tetapi sudah membuat perancangan seperti umur berapa nak bersuami, baju pengantin mana yang nak dipakai etc.
Relax lah Little-Miss-Bo-BULL! Pergi lah cari calon suami dulu baru boleh buat perancangan majlis kahwin!
Sebenarnya Little-Miss-Bo-BULL ni sangat popular sebab mana saje dia pergi, mesti ada peminat punya. Mungkin dia ni terlalu memilih tak?!
2) Little-Miss-Bo-BIB pernah suatu ketika membuat andaian di khayalak ramai bahawa bila dia sudah bersuami nanti, dia nak angkatkan beg kerja suami dia, gosokkan badan suami dia dan banyak lagi perkara lain yang tak perlu disebut di sini. Adakah beliau telah menghadiri kursus rumahtangga ketika usia masih muda ataupun beliau sekadar feeling-feeling? Kental lah!
3) BAMBI jangan nak tersipu-sipu sebab dalam diam, dia ni menaruh minat terhadap jejaka yang eksotik macam si Mr Pereira!!! Okay Bambi, kalau you rajin pakai sunscreen, mungkin kulit you tak akan jadi se-eksotik Mr Pereira. Tapi kalau dah suka tu, apa boleh buat kan? kental pun kental lah.
Akhir sekali, kata-kata emas dari filem Mengejar Matahari (MY FAV!!!) buat pedoman hidup kita semua...
"Sahabat seperti matahari. Menyinari hidup dan sentiasa dekat di hati. Si dia ibarat pelangi. Cantik dan berwarna-warni tapi hadir hanya untuk seketika..."
To my mataharies, I love you. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:17 AM |
Monday, March 20, 2006 |
What mid life crisis?! |
We've talked about it and we both sensed the urgency of the matter. And please know that I will support you all the way. No matter what happens.
your assistant. |
posted by norhayati @ 1:11 AM |
Saturday, March 18, 2006 |
Al-Quran |
Menghafal Al Quran yang ideal adalah membaca ayat-ayat itu dengan tajwid yang benar, memahami makna kata-demi-kata, lalu berusaha 'menyimpannya di dada'.
Menghafal Al Quran adalah menyimpan kata-demi-kata dari "surat cinta" Sang Kekasih di dalam benak dan hati kita.
Ketika ayat-ayat yang berisi petunjuk menjalani kehidupan itu telah bersemayam dengan benar di dada kita, insya Allah, pencerahan-demi-pencerahan akan datang, ketenangan, dan rahmat akan menaungi kehidupan kita. |
posted by norhayati @ 7:53 PM |
Small baby steps to achieve a DREAM! |
It was not easy holding up the fort all by myself but it had been an enriching experience that was made easy by the encouraging colleagues around me especially Grace.
I kept bugging her, Li Peng & Joe to help settle a contract for a foreign talent and each and everyone of them were very helpful in answering all my queries. Thank you so much ladies. Appreciate the help and now at least I know what to do if a foreign talent is coming to perform.
And things were not all too bad when the lieutenant general came over to my table asking if everything's okay and to come to him if I needed any help.
It also helped that I bumped into CH. To me, he was like the most humble high ranking officer there. So warm and friendly to everyone and he never fails to smile and chat with me whenever he saw me censoring my tapes.
For now, the recruit is patiently waiting for April to come coz come April, she will no longer be a recruit. She will be a private! |
posted by norhayati @ 6:52 PM |
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 |
I was passing the cue sheet to Didi when she blurted out, "Yati, I have watched Gubra."
And so, we started a whole conversation on the movie and Didi loved it too! We even cried at the same scene!
For those who are planning to watch Gubra, DO NOT LEAVE the theatre until the roller credits end coz a surprise awaits you and it is the scene which may make some happy, others confused and the rest shocked in disbelief.
Well, I shall leave it to your own discretion and interpretation coz the beauty of this movie is that the director doesn't tell you why the movie ended as such. She lets you think and explore it on your own. Just like your own life where you are always in pursuit of something new -- new challenges, new environment, new friends etc.
Talking about new challenges, my friend Adi (you peeps still remember him?) is planning to further his studies at NIE this July.
All the best Adi and I know that you'll make a good teacher! (This is proven since some of his students cried when he told them that he'll be leaving the school). |
posted by norhayati @ 11:01 PM |
Monday, March 06, 2006 |
A picture with my idol... |
Thanks Zalina for the lovely pix!
posted by norhayati @ 12:40 AM |
Sunday, March 05, 2006 |
Love, sincerity & honesty... |
I was reading our chairman's blog and I just couldn't stop smiling. So she sniffed our little plan... so she studied the clues... oh never mind the loop holes coz we will make it better for the NEXT birthday which falls in APRIL! To be exact, it's END of APRIL!Heheheh!
And I was really touched by her birthday wish and you know what, I wished for the same thing too. All of us started as friends but today it felt like we are a family. I was in the train with my beloved adik and we were just talking about the group and how we both felt comfortable and at ease with one another. And how we never expect to be this close. To keep surprising each other during birthdays. To be there for one another and to listen to their woes.
This special bond epitomise love, sincerity and honesty.
And thank you for telling the gang that I was down with fever and to check on me whenever they had the time.
It was a sweet gesture and I truly appreciate it. |
posted by norhayati @ 11:30 PM |
Thursday, March 02, 2006 |
Work hazard |
Dear Captain,
You are big, fat and ugly so please let go of my hand! |
posted by norhayati @ 5:39 PM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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