Sunday, December 24, 2006 |
The Mataharies are back! |
You've seen them during Hari Raya and now they're BACK!!!
Yes they are back for Christmas! And they're doing it their way with Brazillian cuisine for dinner prepared by Zuli and some other spread prepared by the girls. Tonight when the clock strikes 12, they'll be exchanging presents and sipping away sparkling grape juice plus tonnes of cam-whoring (this is exclusively for Zuli & Wawa, the 2 Camwhores). And not forgetting watching some DVD or VCD courtesy of Netty and let's see who'll be the first to sleep in front of the TV and who's the unfortunate one who will have to switch off the TV after everyone's asleep.
Watch as the girls discuss their future plans and join Fins as she embarks on a journey into motherhood. How about Wawa who just came back from Bangkok? She must have tonnes of stories and goodies to share! Irna on the other hand, is like the resident counsellor in the group so who's next in her to-be-counselled list? How about Netty? Is she still suffering from the sakit budak syndrome or is she finally ready to be in love again? Lastly, what can the group be without its chairman and her endless flings? Will she still hog on the phone the moment she wakes up and yack away with a certain someone?
Catch your favourite stars from The Mataharies this New Year's Eve at a countdown party near you... Irna Michelle Beckham, Netty Fiona Goh, Zulina Maya Rodrigues, Wawa Wee-wee Land, Fini Alphonso & Yati Affleck.
Be sure to catch Season 2 of The Mataharies every Sunday night at the new channel that will be reaching your homes soon!

posted by norhayati @ 6:31 PM |
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 |
Your absence makes my heart grow fonder |
Today during breakfast, she had to drop the bomb and told me something that I never imagined I would hear. On one hand, I was happy knowingthat she will be moving on to bigger things in life but honestly, I was sad and so was Ezra. The 3 of us shared something so special which was just beyond working relationship. To me, we are the real deal! The dude with his 2 bachelorette assistants. The vain bunch and the self-confessed elitists! Most of the time, we were in our own god damn world lah! And despite the setbacks (they come front, back, right, left, centre), work was always a breeze. No matter what. Because I'm showered with so much nonsense and silly jokes from you and daddy. Because I'm blessed with the knowledge that you and daddy shared with me. But most importantly, because I'm surrounded by you and daddy. I will miss you Natra. I know I will.
Some photos to remember the good times by.
 Lunch time behind White House
 Nat's birthday surprise & Ronald's part of the birthday gift! Hehehe!
 Team Bonding
 Lastly, here's our Hari Raya photo shoot and everyone questioned my serious look so I had to come up with the lame reason of, "I'm trying to do the America's Next Top Model look lah!"
And somebody's now busy searching high and low for her missing tape! Tsk...tsk... Macam-macam lah Natra ni. |
posted by norhayati @ 4:36 PM |
Just a random conversation... |
And it sounded something like these...
Farah: Yati, are you wearing a trench coat today? Yati: (like duh?!) Yes Farah. I'm wearing a trench coat today but I usually wear it when I attend my religious classes. Farah: You never wear baju kurung?! In that case, you must be the coolest girl in your religious class! Yati: (with a BIG grin) I like you lah Farah! |
posted by norhayati @ 12:04 AM |
Monday, December 11, 2006 |
Just let the music loop... |
As I crack my brain trying to put down together some team bonding activity and a hearty meal to go with it, I let my favourite movie soundtrack play on the work pc. It was the soundtrack for the French movie, "Love Me If You Dare". One hell of a lovely piece indeed.
To Steph Soh who complained saying that I've not done my "homework", here's to you babe. I didn't know that you have been following my blog but my pc is down and I just didn't get the chance to blog about anything at work as I'm swarmed with eerrm... work. Until now. At least can steal some time to blog something for you. Hehehe!
Steph Soh dear, your invitation for lunch at Shangri La sounds great but I don't think I can make it lah. First of all, Shangri La is so NOT my place. To begin with, I am a hawker centre girl and the only time I went to Shangri La was for the last Asia Television Forum and even back then when I went to "The Line", I only had some soup which was FOC. Courtesy of some good people. Secondly, your invitation's on a weekday and during lunch time, eh I only have an hour okay and your suggestion of applying for leave, eerrm just for Shangri La, not worth it lah.
So let me counter propose to you, Erin and I would like to invite you for dinner instead at Mangri La (mamak shop lah). What say you? It can be anytime when we're all free to meet up.
From yati-the-hawker-centre-lover |
posted by norhayati @ 7:15 PM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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