Sunday, October 31, 2004 |
This Hari Raya, I've made a resolution to only buy a pair of baju kurung for myself unlike the last Hari Raya where I spent about $600 for 3 pairs of baju kurung!!!! That was crazy! If I was rich enough, I would have probably bought 10 pairs of baju kurung! Ish....ish...
Hopefully my pay cheque would be in by next week so that I can shop for my baju kurung. By the way, I promised my mum that I'II buy Atiqah a pair of baju kurung too. But it's not going to be the same colour as mine. "Boriah" is so NOT in.
I just rummaged through my cupboard and I realise that there is not much space left for any new clothes. In fact, there's NO space for any more clothes in my cupboard so its time to throw or give away some clothes. But after much thought, unfortunately, I'm using all the clothes so basically there is none to throw which makes me think if I really need to buy baju kurung for Hari Raya since my old ones still look good. Hhmm....... see lah how...
posted by norhayati @ 1:08 AM |
Thursday, October 14, 2004 |
My executive producer Cik Amir was so sweet. He sent a thank you email to the whole production team thanking everyone for their contributions, hard work and of course those nights when we worked our butts off trying to finish up whatever last minute details that needs to be done.
So sweet..... that even Joe agreed with me :-)
posted by norhayati @ 1:45 AM |
Tuesday, October 12, 2004 |
Finally, the project's over! Yipeeeeeeee!!!
Thank god the show went off smoothly. Khim was really good and very helpful even though she was quite garang. But despite her "garang"ness, she does have a soft spot and its her late mum. In our brief conversation, Khim told me that her mum had passed away and that now she's living with her aunt. From the way she puts it, she doesnt sound like she's close to her older siblings. It just happened that in the show, there's a short play about a mum and her estranged son who eventually reunited and Khim told me that the scene reminded her of her late mum and she cant view it... she'll get all emotional. oohh dear....
While running around the studio, I got an sms about my new post in MKT. Yay! I'm now in the Economic Bureau! Thanks poet for updating me. Maybe I'm just crazy to take up the post coz I have never tried my hands on fundraising but I'm also quite excited to do it. But of course it's going to be tough... SUPER tough!
After the show, all of us went to Adam Road to simply destress and hang out! Lots of eating, complaining and bitching happened there. Cant blame everyone...its been a tiring day and there's just so many people and things that we had to tend to. But it was worth it. Every single thing and every single sleepless nights. If I get the chance, I want to do this show again!
posted by norhayati @ 1:06 AM |
Tuesday, October 05, 2004 |
I just realised that I have a paper this Friday at 10AM. Thanks to Steph for sms ing me. I was so busy that I almost forgot about my exam and I am quite worried that I may not have enough time for my revision. I know Steph's starting her revisions today. zauwiyah started last weekend. How about me??? My workload is pilling by the day and there's rehearsals on Wednesday & Thursday. Maybe I'm gonna try and ask my producer if I can be exempted from Thursday's rehearsals. If not, die man! No time to study.... sure fail.
posted by norhayati @ 1:22 AM |
Sunday, October 03, 2004 |
Got an sms abt 15 minutes ago about an artist who got the wrong cd and cannot turn up for recording tmr! I tried calling my producer but I guess he's sound asleep. He just got back filming in KL. So I'm a dead piece of meat as of now.
My plan is to call my producer the moment I got up and explain to him why this particular artist cannot make it for recording. Sooo leceh! Pray hard that I will not be scolded or screamed at.... Doing variety is so different from doing infotainment. There's MORE people that you have to deal with. For this show alone, I've dealt with Malaysian and Indonesian artists apart from the local ones.
Looking on the bright side, a fren of mine is typing away his old love poetries that he used to write in JC. He doesnt look like the type who write poetries needless to say LOVE poetries! But funnily he does! So this is his poetry....
Selalunya pada penjuru nostalgia, ku terkenang sketsa asmara
Di balik tabir memori, ku terlihat seorang gadis
Ingin ku usap ikalnya, ingin ku renung ayu matanya
Oh, andai ku mampu leraikan perasaanku padanya,
Sejalur pelangi akan mewarnai hatiku ini
Hujung bicara sepi nan pasti
Hanya renungan mata yang saling memberi
Pujaan kasih sayang dua hati
Namun kadangkala kuwalikan rindu berwajah lesu
Andainya kau tiada, hatiku sebak nan layu
Duka terdampar di tepian muara rasa, aku dan sepi bercanda
Samudera kumit sepi, hidup bagai tiada erti
Lalu ku sambut kasihku di daun pintu
Dan kita ke pantai, pasirnya emas
Disepuh mentari mengintai di ufuk
Akulah prianya, dialah juwitaku
What a lovely piece! It captures my heart instantly.
To my fren the poet, you know who you are.... and like I said, since you have the talent to write, you should pursue it.
posted by norhayati @ 1:08 AM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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