Friday, December 31, 2004 |
My condolences... |
My heart goes out to all the tsunami victims.
This is a great challenge from GOD and amazingly, it is during these pressing moments that we put aside our differences and render help to those in need.
And we witness the HEROES in all of us with each forwarded emails and SMSes reminding each other on how one can help with the various donation drives carried out throughout the world.
This is perhaps one of the countless occasions to capture the undying love and amazing human spirit that goes around in its relentless effort to help the unfortunate.
Tsunami aside, Charlie, you go man! Yes... yes... go run after HER!!!!
Don't worry Charlie. I'II help ya mate!
posted by norhayati @ 1:12 AM |
Wednesday, December 29, 2004 |
I miss you Mar!!! |
Had a long chat with Mar over MSN. Its been so long and mummy misses you so much Mar!!!
Thank you for the endless encouragement and Insyallah I'II pluck up enough courage to talk to you-know-who. Heheheheh.....
Mar and I are both lost and confused. We're tired of production and just need to take a break. I guess I have been lucky in the sense that I do not need to fight and scream for my rights as in the case of Mar. Her last project was the last straw. NO more production for at least a year. Yeah and I need to get away from production for at least a month.... a year's too long...nanti takde $$$ nak belanja.
I'm just tired and have lost all my drive to do production. You may ask why.
Simple... because I am suffering from fatigue.
My creative juice is running low and I have no mood to do production like I used to. Production is fun but I guess after 3 years, it sort of make me a slave to work and I do not want that.
I guess all I need is a month to rejuvenate and catch up on my beauty sleep. Sleep is very important. A friend just asked if I am 28??!! My god!! Do I look that old? Cannot be right. Maybe because I havent been sleeping well and dark circles and fine lines are showing around my eyes.
Okay... time to go boboks... but not until I'm done with my editing script. Aarrggh!!!!
posted by norhayati @ 2:28 AM |
Tuesday, December 28, 2004 |
Today I met up with my evil, crazy twins -- Nyamuk & Cicak!!!
I was late for foreseen reasons..... got too engrossed watching the news on the tsunami disaster.
The signs of kiamat!!!
Anyway, it was fun to finally catch up after so long.
We ate and talked. Laughed and joked like we used to.
We even bumped into Cik Ahmad Bakar.... whom we saw around 11 plus!!!
He might be wondering why these girls "lepak" till late at night!
I really missed the girls and if only Karlak & Lalat were around then we'd be complete.
To my Pearlines, I love you girls a lot.... you peeps are like my own sis and I hope we'll remain good friends till death do us part.
And I will look forward to our future lepak and mahjong session when all of us got married with kids in toil and husbands by our sides. Dont know how we'll look by then.... but I'm sure still maintain jambu punyer!!! Heheeeheheh!!!
posted by norhayati @ 1:23 AM |
Monday, December 20, 2004 |
I want to go and watch PGL AGAIN!!!!!
Just wondering if Erin has watched PGL.....
posted by norhayati @ 1:08 PM |
Swarmed with work!!! |
I just realised that I've been working 24-7 for the past few weeks. Its been crazy and hectic that I dont even have the time to bring my little sister to the playground as promised. This is NOT good. Time to take a break. NOW!
posted by norhayati @ 1:00 PM |
Tuesday, December 07, 2004 |
Its NOT easy doing a reality programme. People turned you down MOST of the time. This sucks. Really.
posted by norhayati @ 1:51 AM |
Sunday, December 05, 2004 |
1) That Zau will get better. Zau, you're such a wonderful friend and I wish you all the best. Call me if you need anything.
2) To finish my major essay on popular culture ASAP. I havent even read the question paper and its due 13th Dec! For those out there who's free with a helping hand, care to help me in my essay? Come lah!
3) Buy a 14" TV to replace the one that's keeps going to black & white mode.
4) Finish up ALL the scripts thats DUE ASAP!
5) That Khai will get better soon.
6) And finally.... that I'II have some direction in this life. I'm lost in translation....
posted by norhayati @ 11:58 PM |
After much anticipated wait, my 2nd pay cheque has safely reached my post box on the 3rd of December. And soon after I got my pay cheque, I also received a letter from school requesting that the my last fees instalment be paid by Dec 13th or my name will be taken off the student records.
Just when I thought I could start to enjoy my hard earned cash, I had to pay my school fees! Boo hoo!
I was watching TV in my mum's room when I just realised that hey, the TV's going mad. It's starting to show signs that it'll die on me anytime soon. But then again, what to expect from a TV set that's as old as my HDB flat - close to 10 years!
So I'm going to start saving up for a new set of 14" TV. I'm sure there are many year end sales going on right now. Will get it as soon as I have saved enough!
posted by norhayati @ 11:48 PM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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