Monday, February 28, 2005 |
Been very busy lately... |
Tell me who's not busy.... EVERYONE is right? So stop whining about how busy your life is Yati!
And last week.... I spent the night in the office after not doing it for soooo long! Quite FUN actually coz I got to go to Railway to have supper slightly after midnight! And the food? Well not too bad... lots of variety except that my fav burger Ramlee stall was already closed the moment we reached there. Booo! It's okay lah, next time maybe....
But just imagine going back to office around 1.45AM with a full stomach to continue doing your work while others are happily dozing off at home! Not a great idea. Really. Luckily the uncle's online to keep me company. Chatting with him while doing my work helped to keep me awake. So THANK YOU uncle!
Hhmm.... what else? Oh currently I have 2 editing scripts to be done. They are DUE Tuesday night and I have not even started working on it. You know why? Coz NO mood and drive to write!!! I'm having writer's block now! Hehhehehe!!!
But I will definitely start writing soon. Maybe after Maghrib till the wee hours of the morning. I write BETTER late at night.
I just wanna say thay I LOVE my Pearlines!!! Naddy, Feeza, Zak & Kiki.... I LUV YOU GIRLS!!!! We have a new hand shake now!!! What is it Naddy? Salam then kiss cheek to cheek? Heheheheh!!! A bit "minah" right girl?
I also wanna say that I miss my SIM friends!!! Anita, Anu, Steph "Soh", Erin, Kak Isher, Jean & Zau! Guess what ladies.... so far my Friday night's free.... Maybe we all can go for a drink! Just hope there's no last-minute editing or filming lah (Keeping my fingers crossed now)
Till then... TOODLES peeps! And enjoy the hectic life! It's exercise for young people! |
posted by norhayati @ 5:51 PM |
Monday, February 14, 2005 |
Time: 1.30AM
I'm totally shacked and hungry now. Just came back from one of the Muharram sermons.
For my non-Muslim friends like Steph and maybe Erin who happen to browse through my blog, Muharram is the new year in the Islamic calendar. So every Muharram, Muslims either mourn or they celebrate.
For the Islamic sect of Syiah (mostly from Iran and Iraq), they will mourn because Muharram is the month where the Prophet's grandson, Imam Husain was murdered by fellow Muslims, ironically by the followers of the Prophet himself.
For the other sect of Islam mainly the Sunnis, they will celebrate because Muharram marks the beginning of the new year. Sadly, this sect have somehow forgotten the tragic event where 72 men were murdered by thousands and where the dignity of the prophet's family was somehow forgotten. Funny. One day you claim to be the followers of the Prophet and the next, you murder his grandson. Talk about loyalty.
And if you ask me.... well, I belong to the Syiah sect. Its something that I do not disclose to my fellow Muslim friends simply because issue of sects are rather sensitive and also I believe most of my Muslim friends may not even know what Syiah is.... but I just declare my belief openly in my blog. Talk about being discreet.
And while updating this blog, the sweet, lemony smell of curry that lingers in the air made me even more hungry. Well coz you see, I just heat a pot of chicken curry and while waiting for it to be heated, I decided to update this blog.
I think the chicken curry's calling me.
Chow peeps!!! |
posted by norhayati @ 1:03 AM |
Sunday, February 06, 2005 |
What a day it's been!
Jam packed with activities!
Here it goes...
- Morning taught tuition at Bukit Batok Heart Link Ctr.
- Had lunch with my kakis at Al-Ameen.
- Accompanied my mum to some multi-level marketing talk organised by her friend.
- Went to visit Liza who just gave birth to a baby boy 12 days ago.
Liza's baby boy, Iman Putra Ismadi, still red and shrivelled with patches of dried skin on his red cheeks looked so cute with his tiny eyes and little mouth wide open, probably waiting for mummy Liza to breastfeed him. After a year of marriage, Liza finally got what she wanted -- A BABY!!! Yeaaahhh!! Good for you babe.... but now she can start to practice family planning already. Number 2 will have to wait for at least 3 more years huh.....
A friend commented that it seems my friend Liza has progressed to the next level of her life so how about me?
How about me you asked? WHAT abt me?
At least for now I am contented with my life.
Look on the bright side....
I'm about to earn a degree
I have a few programmes to my credit
I am doing what I like in my line of work.... for 3 years now. WOW!
The only thing that I lack is just a man whom one calls boyfren or hubby but that can wait you know
There are plenty of bees out there
When the time comes, my bumble bee will come fly to me...
Just hope that it's not a hornet though.... they Sting!
posted by norhayati @ 11:50 PM |
Saturday, February 05, 2005 |
I'm down with diarrhoe AGAIN...
Coz you know what... the last time I had it, this lazy girl didn't bother going to the doctor or even eating those tiny, brown po chai pills.
So today, before I leave for my meeting, I'd better pop those pills down my throat.
Anyway, been busy as usual.
School's done and so is SPS.
Now I'm left with RA, Azam & a docu drama to produce...
And currently, I'm looking for a hostess, GRO or bar top dancers to be interviewed
Those whom I know through friends of friends refused to be interviewed
While one contact that was given to me has gone MIA
And my last resort will be to hang out at places that this group usually go to for supper
And try my luck at approaching them and agree for an interview
All the best yati!
posted by norhayati @ 3:27 PM |
Thursday, February 03, 2005 |
School's finally oveeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!! |
Yup... yup... school's done!
No more night classes for me! Yipeeeeeeee!!!
Now I'm just waiting for my last result and if I passed, it's GRADUATION in August! Wohooo!
I've told my mum that I do not intend to go for my graduation day and boy, was she fuming mad with me!
And since I can't argue with her, I'm left with NO choice but to go which is so troublesome because I will have to go buy clothes and proper shoes (since I only own a pair of sports sandals and hari raya shoes).
But then again, how often do you get to go up on the stage to get a slip of nicely rolled paper from some VIP??? Not that often what... so I will be going for my graduation then...
So Steph Soh, you going for graduation or not?
I know the rest are kind of eager esp Erin. Her parents even thought of bringing her puppy to watch her on graduation day! Heehheheh!!! So cute!
So now that school's over, what's my next plan? Hhmm....
To be continued on my next entry...
posted by norhayati @ 1:38 PM |
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