Tuesday, November 29, 2005 |
I am currently working in the office and really it's quite a busy day today but I just cannot help but to blog when I came across a write-up on Yasmin Ahmad's sequel to Sepet -- GUBRA (pronounced as Gabra).
Gabra means kancheong in Malay.
So some stuff which I simply copied and pasted...
"Gubra" is intended to examine one common phenomenon: The simple everyday fact that when we experience betrayal, it is more often than not committed unto us by people who love us; not people who hate us."
"Saya mahu paparkan tentang kisah dan sikap manusia yang biasanya selalu berada dalam keadaan gubra. Kerana gubra ramai di antara kita tidak reti untuk menghargai kasih sayang. Selain itu, mesej yang ingin saya sampaikan melalui Gubra ialah tentang kemaafan" - Yasmin Ahmad (Utusan Malaysia, 9 Ogos 2005)
Erin, apart from Pride and Prejudice, Gubra is also another MUST SEE!!! Words has it that Gubra will only be released in Mid 2006 but I shall and can wait! |
posted by norhayati @ 11:34 AM |
Monday, November 21, 2005 |
A walking contradiction... |
I was shocked, surprised and tickled when a really good friend confessed something to me. To me, she represents a good case of a "walking contradiction"!
She claims to not like something but later confessed to liking it. Like how Indian food (which is my fav) is not to her liking but thrice we were at West Coast and she ordered rojak mamak and mee kuah mamak and not forgeting the lunch date with Lini where she had thosai masala. Yet she kept re-iterating this, "Yati, aku tak suka Indian food okay. Not my taste!" (Banyak kau punya not my taste!)
And with her latest confession, it just dawned upon me that when it comes to matters of the heart, there's always room for compromises and sacrifices. Betul tak kawan-kawan? kekekekek!!!
Anyway, Erin's back in town!!! And we're gonna go watch Pride and Prejudice!!! Yipeeee!!! |
posted by norhayati @ 11:30 AM |
Sunday, November 20, 2005 |
Serene. Happy. Satisfied. |

Yesterday I was out with my colleagues and today's outing was with my poly friends -- Mar, Fad, Hatta, Jamal, Shahreil, Nash and Farid.
Even though it was tiring, it's always nice to spend some quality time with friends you hardly hang out with. And it's always heartwarming to know that friends will be settling down soon. Yes Shahreil, the Soo Kee diamond ring was simple yet elegant. Now just focus on how you want to propose to her ; )
Nash, the feeling of loneliness will always linger in our lives someway or another. But just remember that your friends are always here for you!
We were browsing through the Hari Raya pix that we took in Fad's house when we were all still schooling. Everyone's in it and it's interesting to observe how much we have all moved on in life.
Marianah -- She's now a producer doing photoshoots for print ads and happily attached to Farid! Nash -- A copywriter with Ace Dayton. Fad -- Still freelancing as a producer. Hatta -- Now owns a car and a full-timer with ICA. Jamal -- Freelancing as a soundman. In a good month, he earns 2x my pay! Shahreil -- Full-time at NUS as a lab technician. Myself -- Left production to go into programming. |
posted by norhayati @ 11:21 PM |
Friday, November 04, 2005 |
Hari Raya is here again and I simply adore friends or family members who can come up with innovative ways to still look good despite tight budgets.
For guys out there who must wear a samping, do you know that your mum's selendang or even a kain batik lepas can add that magical touch to your baju kurung?
- A friend of mine actually used his mum's rainbow colored selendang as his kain samping and trust me the selendang looked GOOD on his butt! Hehehe!
- Fadly, my good friend came across an old kain batik lepas at his home. So what he did was to cut some pieces for his songkok, his kain samping and not forgetting the lamp shade at home! What a creative bloke! Check out his pix below...
 Fadly is the one seated on the extreme right. Check out the pieces of kain batik lepas on his songkok, his samping and not forgetting some for his lampshade!
Oh yeah and this Raya, Fad's baju kurung color is the same as mine which means that he can still cut some kain batik lepas (according to him, there's some more left) for my tudung! Heheheh! Talk about innovation!
Lastly, Selamat Hari Raya to all my friends. While we grace the occassion with much joy and happiness, let's not forget those less fortunate among us -- the thousands of orphans in Aceh, the earthquake victims in Pakistan and not forgetting the poor.
My heart goes out to Jasmine, my poly classmate who was diagnosed with stage 2 nose cancer. Be strong girl coz you are still too young to die. My love and prayers are with you always ; )
May God bless us all in this month of Syawal. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:07 AM |
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 |
Just something that I stumbled upon and like very much. Here you go...
- The Upside of Anger -
People don't know how to love. They bite rather than kiss. They slap rather than stroke. Maybe it's because they recognize how easy it is for love to go bad, to become suddenly impossible, unworkable, an exercise of futility. So they avoid it and seek solace in angst, and fear, and aggression, which are always there and readily available. Or maybe sometimes... they just don't have all the facts.
Anger and resentment can stop you in your tracks. That's what I know now. It needs nothing to burn but the air and the life that it swallows and smothers. It's real, though - the fury, even when it isn't. It can change you... turn you... mold you and shape you into something you're not. The only upside to anger, then... is the person you become. Hopefully someone that wakes up one day and realizes they're not afraid to take the journey, someone that knows that the truth is, at best, a partially told story. That anger, like growth, comes in spurts and fits, and in its wake, leaves a new chance at acceptance, and the promise of calm. Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child. |
posted by norhayati @ 2:30 PM |
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