Monday, April 26, 2004 |
What a DAY... |
What an eventful day!!!
Firstly, I overslept and woke up at 10.30 am!!! I was late coz the homework supervision program starts at 10.30 am!!! Wahlau! Cik Ahmad Baba called my home and Baqir even called my mobile. Hehhehehhe!!! These people must be panicking.... maybe lack of teachers.
Next Khai sent me to the National Library at Stamford Road but it was closed!!!! I didn't even know that!!! It has been closed since March!!! Hehehheeh!!! So I called Abang Aidil & Muslim told me to go to Woodlands Library instead and Khai sent me there. However, there's one problem. Khai didn't know the way!!! Hehehehe!!! So what he did was to just ride on and just look out for the PIE exit. But hey, he managed to reach Woodlands! I know I can trust my little brother!
I got my micro films at Woodlands Library. I need the articles for 647km2 when I interviewed a forensic pathologist. But I'II have to go back to Woodlands Library coz I have got lots of other articles that I need to find. Maybe I'II go back on Tuesday or something. Once I'm done at Woodlands, I went to Yew Tee MRT to meet the girls coz we have a group session with Maulana today.
The session? Hhmm... it was so-so. I asked the Maulana what he thought of the HBI girls and he said in terms of our outspoken-ness, we were NOT as good as last year and he simply didn't understand why. Frankly, I don't know either.... dont think others knew either.... why our performance seemed to drop this year. I guess we were too scared? Too shy? Still have not warmed up enough? Well God knows. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:28 AM |
Tuesday, April 20, 2004 |
Feeling Sleepy Now... |
Fatigue has crept in. Heheheheh!!!
I went to the Health Sciences Authority today and interviewed a forensic pathologist. Woooo! It was stimulating to hear of some of the cases that Dr Lau has done. He cited a case whereby a 16 month old baby was sexually abused by her father. According to Dr Lau, while doing his post mortem, he discovered that the baby's chin was badly bruised, a sign that the baby may have been hit. Maybe because the baby was crying so that's why she was hit.
He also discovered that the baby's hymen was torn, a sign that she was raped BUT... since this girl is only 16 months old, he explained that if the baby had been raped (using the P&N%$) her vagina would have ruptured since she was still so small so in his report, he wrote that the baby was sexually abused with objects. So imagine this... her father could have used anything..... anything at all.... blunt objects whatsoever to abuse the baby sexually. Not only that. After the baby was sexually abused, her little body was wrapped and thrown inside the rubbish chute! What an animal!!! Bastard!!! And all this happened while the baby's mother was just outside in the living room. Apparently, her husband took the baby away, locked the door and abused the baby in the room. His wife was took scared to ask him for the baby. Hhmm... must be one hell of a violent husband!
Well... if you're sexually deprived, why dont you go to one of the lorongs in Geylang? Why let it out on an innocent girl?
People, if you think GOD is unfair to you, remember that there are always others in this world who are worst off than us.
May the 16 month old baby girl who died now rest in peace and may the Angels in the Heaven love and look after her... Amin.
posted by norhayati @ 11:57 PM |
Saturday, April 17, 2004 |
A Filming Session I will never forget.... |
It was a truly historic place.... Reflections at Bukit Chandu at 31K Pepys Road.
This was the spot where the Malay Regiment fought bravely against the Japanese. It was also here that the courageous Lt Adnan Saidi was said to be killed and hung from a cherry tree. Till today, no one knew where the bodies of these courageous men were buried. NO ONE KNEW. Not even the unfortunate family members of these soldiers.
Even after these soldiers were killed, the Japanese Army were hunting for their family members whom they want to kill. So in their family members' dismay, and out of fear, every belongings of these Malay soldiers - clothes, footwear, etc had to be disposed of and today it is very hard to find remnants of their belongings since most were destroyed.
A touching true incident which really touched my heart was when I heard an interview done with the wife of one of the soldiers. Cant remember her name though. She said her husband was killed by the Japanese soldier after he refused to change his Malay Regimen uniform. Captives were told to take off their uniforms or be killed. So this brave soldier was killed and the only memory of him which his wife kept was a tin mug which she used to scoop the rice. The rest of his belongings had to be destroyed since it could lead to the Japanese Army. How sad! Imagine the only thing that you have to remember a loved one is his tin mug and nothing more...
Also it was rather spooky while we were at the museum coz all of a sudden while filming, the cameraman has to say this,"Roh dia masih ada kat sini..." He could feel it and he said he even smelt a sweet fragrance while filming in 1 of the rooms. Even Zulinah told me the same thing. She felt goose bumps while we were near the statue of Lt Adnan while I was busy copying down whatever information I can get on him! Even the pakcik who was at the reception asked us if we smelt anything while in 1 of the rooms. I didnt feel anything but these people certainly gave me the spooks. But I'm sure that the spirits of these brave man are probably still looming around in that area. After all, hundreds of Malay soldeirs died there in their relentless fight against the Japanese.
I guessed I think about it too much coz after coming back from filming, took a shower and all, I took a nap coz I was dead tired and I had a little nightmare. My head was blank but I heard clearly sounds of man screaming in Malay... gun sounds... as if there was a real war! Heheheheh!!!
Taat Setia. Biar Putih Tulang. Jangan Putih Mata. |
posted by norhayati @ 1:59 AM |
Thursday, April 15, 2004 |
Things to do on 15/4/2004:
- Go to SIM library to do revision
- Digitize shots for ep 7 Sungguh Berani
- Call MTFA for filming clearance
- Call Anita (HSA) about Tuesday's filming
- Call Sharifah and check if she gets the fax and interview questions
- Translate questions for Bukit Chandu
- Update Kak Long on the meeting with Maulana
Wah! Looking at my list, I have got quite a bit of calling to do. Hhmm.... I think I'II leave for office around 12 and go to the library after work. Now, I have to read the papers before I go to sleep....
posted by norhayati @ 1:15 AM |
Saturday, April 10, 2004 |
Hehehehehhe!!! |
I'm glad to know that Naddy & Feeza liked what The Pearlines got for them.
And it was fun pretending to forget their birthday! Kwa..kwa...kwa!
Zak & I had a ball of a time trying to find the perfect gift for the girls. First, we wanted to buy a big bottle of Bubble bath but then it's too big to fit into the gift box so we had to settle for smaller bottles instead. Then comes the card.... we wanted the card to be small enough to fit into the gift box but the small cards are all very ugly. So we bought Hallmark cards instead which were really cute and pretty. The card's perfect coz it fitted nicely into the gift box but it's a nightmare to take it out from the box!! Zak had to use her card holder to take them out so the final plan is to give them the cards separately. Don't need to put it inside the gift box. Heheheheheh!!!
And the huge nail clipper??? It's just a way of saying, "Darling, I hope you'll start trimming your nails. I love it when you keep your nails short and clean..."
posted by norhayati @ 10:36 PM |
Tuesday, April 06, 2004 |
What does a Birthday mean to me??? |
Throughout my eerrmm.... almost 24 years of life, I hardly celebrated my birthday except when I was very young. I was so young back then that I hardly remembered even attending those fancy looking birthday parties. Old pictures served as a visual memoirs to joyous occasions where extended family members come together to celebrate my birthday.
In any case, I hardly receive gifts from family members or friends coz I guess it just wasn't my family culture to buy gifts for birthday boys or girls and I dont really tell others when is my birthday except in this blog, which also not many people know of. But my mum will always ensure that she fix an extra special meal for the birthday boy/girl. But then again, it is my mum's nature to prepare mouth watering dishes every week so ultimately, it makes no difference to me.
But the one gift that my parents gave me, which I love so much till this day is when Atiqah came into this world! She is the loveliest thing that had happened in my life and her co-existence serves as an inspiration in my personal life, work and school! And best of all, this gift, unlike material gifts, will never fade or suffer from wear and tear. Instead, it grows richer, wiser and more beautiful as it aged.
posted by norhayati @ 11:31 PM |
Monday, April 05, 2004 |
Finally got my well deserved rest!!!! Yipeeee!!! |
Finally a chance to just laze around. I'm finally free on Sunday. No work & no meetings.
What did I do today?
- Went to the shop with Atiqah to buy her stationery
- Taught Atiqah her homework
- Swept and mopped the whole house
- Read The New Paper
- Slept for an hour
- Watched Fight Club (Aesthetically, I LOVE it!)
- Print my updated scripts for tomorrow's filming
Gosh! Looking back, I had a wonderful day! If only everyday is as good as this. |
posted by norhayati @ 1:53 AM |
Got my well deserved rest... Yipeeeee!!!! |
Finally I got to just laze around the whole day! I've been yearning for this day for soooo long! What a life!
It's been a hectic week alright and today, I have the luxury to wake up late, watch TV after so long and just be happy and not think about work. Heheheheh!!!
So what did I do today?
1) Went to the shop with Atiqah to buy her stationery.
2) Help Atiqah with her homework
3) Sweep and mop the whole house.
4) Read The New Paper.
5) Watch Fight Club.
6) Print out my scripts for tomorrow's filming.
Hhmm.... not too bad. I just didn't laze around but I also got to do some cleaning up. I also checked the minutes that was vetted. At least now I know the right formats and I just got so excited over it!! Sometimes I just get excited over trivial matters... hhmm.... sometimes I think I'm weird. Heheheheheh!!!! |
posted by norhayati @ 1:38 AM |
Saturday, April 03, 2004 |
Hhmm.... I know my forte but.... |
It feels weird to be a part of something when you just have this strong feeling inside you that you just DONT BELONG. Everyone is so welcoming but then again... its funny. Half the time I wish I could just roll my eyes at some of the things said, snap at those who gave me occasional stares or just flush myself down the toilet bowl during meetings. I want to run away from this reality. How can I get myself stuck in this?
This is NOT another planet but it certainly feels weird. Everything seems so normal and in order but I guess I just hate the empty talks. Don't talk so much. Please practice what you preach. How often do we talk but just never do anything about it? I hate this kind of working culture. I hate the people who practice this kind of working culture and worst, the people who created this working culture! Empty talks and lots of hot air.
For now, take things easy and just try to adapt to this new environment. Maybe Qat's right. It takes time to adapt and maybe I just need time. I certainly hope so.
I guess I'm just a lost soul trying to find my niche in this new world. Please help me God.
posted by norhayati @ 12:41 AM |
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