Dare to Dream
Star light. Star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might. Have the wish I wish for tonight.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Hisyam, the mat scooter was really sweet.
I called him from Husainiyah (place where I attend my religious class) asking if he's coming coz I needed a favour. So this really sweet bloke (at that time he just reached home from work) asked me what's the matter and see if he can help.

Thinking and assuming that he's going to come for the night class, I told Hisyam to help me buy a packet of sugar coz obviously we've run out of it and the nearby shop is closed so how to make tea right?

But Hisyam sounding tired and all, said he's not too sure if he's coming and I told him it's okay coz I can get someone else to help.

So I got Baq to buy 2 packet of sugar. Baq is so rajin!

Anyway, at around 9 plus, Hisyam stepped into class with a bag of sugar which he brought from home!!! So sweet right! He told me he felt bad at not being able to help so he decided to bring sugar from home! Alamak this boy so sweet lah!

He helped clear the rubbish every Sat evening.

And now, he helped to bring sugar from home!

Hisyam, may God bless you for your kindness!
posted by norhayati @ 1:31 AM   0 comments
Saturday, May 28, 2005
5 reasons why I enjoyed watching Monsters-in Law...

1) Jane Fonda rawks! She's so lucky .... got to slap and hit J Lo!!!
2) The movie gives you endless ideas on how to handle difficult prospective-in-laws. I really like the part when Charlie gave Viola that ugly peach dress! Not violent yet evil. Smart!
3) Jane Fonda still looks good esp when her make-up's not too thick.
4) I never knew how one's insecurities can drive people nuts. Watch Viola if you want to know more....
5) And finally I watched it with a really cool dude who looked like he's half asleep and yet I kept hearing his laughter throught the movie! (Hope you're not laughing in your sleep cool dude. But you still look cute lah when you're sleepy... :-)
posted by norhayati @ 2:46 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
The many faces of Atiqah...
An entry dedicated to my beloved 5 year old sister, Atiqah....

"The Many Faces of Atiqah...."

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posted by norhayati @ 8:38 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
My pictorial entry
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Sob! Sob! Zak and I can't swim today!

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The gluttonny side of me you hardly witness.

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Cheers Naddy!

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Oh look what we've found? A starfish on the grass!
p.s/ Zak had to really calm herself down to pose elegantly in this picture ... she was screaming her heart out when she first touched the starfish! For heaven's sake Zak, it's dead!

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To prevent Zak from screaming further, we decided to pose without the starfish.
No more posing with dead starfish for Zak!!!

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Finally yati dreaming BIG & daring to Fail...
posted by norhayati @ 5:34 PM   0 comments
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Here's something which I copied from a forwarded email titled.... "The Carrot, the Egg & the Coffee?"

It was a lovely email indeed and thanks to those who forwarded it to me....

"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying".
posted by norhayati @ 11:48 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Saving smart
Ever wondered how some people can simply scrimp and save?

Here's a few practical tips:
1) Avoid shopping centres at ALL cost when you're broke (Esp for Girls!).
Coz the moment you step into one, you'll start browsing and then the next moment, you'll start trying what you just browsed for and without realising it, you'll end up paying for it at the check-out counter!

2) Eat at home as much as possible.
Wonder if you people realise that dining outside is actually very costly especially if you dine out every single day. So why don't you "tapao" or bring your own home cooked food for lunch? I do that and trust me, I save a LOT!!!

3) Stay at home as much as possible coz this way, you wont spend money unnecessarily.
While at home, you can do stuff like watching HBO, surfing the internet, reading the papers, help your mum with the housework and be praised for it or simply sleep! However, if you're really itching to go out, go somewhere that is either free or cheap. For example, you can go and take a walk in the park or go to the library to read magazines or for those romantic souls out there, you can go to Sentosa with your significant other to watch the sunset!

4) The moment you receive your pay / allowance, pay your bills immediately!
Do not wait till the eleventh hour to pay your bills coz this way, the amount will snowball into a larger amount the next time you receive your bill (coz its 2 mths of bills combined into one now). Another good thing about paying your bills early is that the moment you see your bank account shrink, you'll start getting depressed and decide to curb your spending. This always works for me!

5) Buy stuff at cheap places.
Personally, there are some things which I cannot compromise and that is the brand of toiletries that I use. But unfortunately, the brand of toiletries that I am using are actually quite expensive so luckily for me, I stumbled into a shop at Jurong East that is called CK Department Store. They sell quite a range of toiletries. And I bought ALL of my toiletries there at a relatively lower price. Compare this for example. A bottle of Dove shower foam costs me $6 plus at NTUC Fairprice but I bought it at only $4.90 from CK Department Store! That is a saving of more than $1!

I am also a coffee lover but I will be killing myself if I were to drink at Starbucks every single week coz its damn expensive! So to compromise, I actually bought a box of Nescafe coffee that comes in 2 flavours -- mocha and hazelnut with froth. And trust me, they taste yummy! Even Feeza loves it! I bought it for $2.65 for a box of 6 sachets.... roughly about $0.45 for a cup of cuppa that tastes heavenly!

So you see people.... saving up is good but saving smart is better!
You don't have to scrimp and live like a miser but just spend your money wisely and always think before you spend!
posted by norhayati @ 12:20 AM   2 comments
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Time to top up the tea-light candles...
Thanks to my beautiful Pearlines, I now have 5 bottles of fragrance oil -- oceanus, blueberry thyme, passion fruit, fruitty violet and my all time favourite, moonflower!

And as usual, whenever I have enough supply of fragrance oil, I will run out of tealight candles.

So I will be going to Ikea soon to buy those big bag of tealight candles.

And tomorrow, I have many calls to make and an important fax to the licensing unit to show the route of our proposed cycleton.

Till then, toodles peeps!
posted by norhayati @ 1:16 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
What a day!!!!!
I had so much fun with the guys today!
Thanks Baq & Ihsan for those funny moments!
And Baq, please know your directions... dont just walk around without knowing where to go!

Today Baq, Ihsan and myself went to apply permit for our event.
The whole process was so easy and it ended so fast that all 3 of us were left not knowing what to do next.
So with no plans and with Baq around, eerrmm.... you'll obviously need to go makan right?
Or else poor Baq will grow thin like me!
So we went to Harbour Front hawker centre where the guys introduced me to some Thai noodle in beef stew.
It was nice and light!
Not oily. And the beef was so tender.
I ate it using chopsticks and I think I'm quite good with it!

After filling in our empty stomachs, we made our way to Harbour Front shopping centre.
(Remember... none of us had any plans so we just decided to do some window shopping)
And I also managed to show Baq the kind of bags that I like!!!!
BIG hint!
That'll be my Christmas present! Heheheheh!

While walking around Harbour Front and not knowing exactly where to go, Ihsan suggested that we went to Sentosa.
I'm sure he didn't mean it but since we're all bored esp Baq, we decided to make the trip to Sentosa.
And so we hung out at Palawan beach with male and female peacocks walking around us.
I screamed twice once thanks to the peacock that shocked me and the other thanks to Ihsan who also shocked me.
Very rude boy lah this Ihsan!
Naughty! Naughty!

And we chatted, laughed and joked till we decided to leave by 9.30pm
So it's amazing how a simple outing to apply a permit end with a rendezvous in Sentosa!
And I had fun disturbing Baq with eerrmm... Miss M<&8 (secret! cannot tell!)
And oh thanks for buying the cookies Ihsan... It was nice!
I'm sure Baq ate a lot also!

And Baq suggested that we hung out at Mount Faber next.
I think he's looking for strategic spots for his eerrmm... dates!
So Ihsan and I will be his guinea pigs while he recced the place.
So smart this boy!

To Ihsan and Baq,
I dedicate this entry to you guys.
So enjoy it!
And my apologies for all the jokes that I made.
Jangan sensitive sangat okay..... esp to Baq... nanti kurus!
posted by norhayati @ 1:54 AM   0 comments
Monday, May 02, 2005
I spent my Sunday going to 2 invitations.
Zulina's house warming and Jules engagement party.
And boy was it fun, fun, fun!
Congrats Jules!
You cannot be naughty now... must behave yourself and not "mengatal" (cheeky) anymore!

And oh yeah people.... I am 25 years old now!
My god!!!
I'm now a quarter of a century old!
Thank you God... for still keeping me alive.

And also thank you to all those who showered me with those birthday wishes and pressies!
I love them all -- the Converse sneakers, the Creative MP3 player, the cake, the lovely frame and card.
But of course the best gift is all of you who colour my life!
Yes... YOU!
Who's reading my blog right now and grinning to yourself.
(If it's Steph, I believe she'll usually shake her head while reading my page!)
What am I without my friends?
A depressed and lonely soul lah.

Where's my pressie?
You forgot is it?
Just joking Steph... I miss annoying you lah.
And yes I agree with you that I am shameless but only to people like you! Heheheeh!
Take me for a ride in your car lah. Bring all our kakis go Al-Amin for teh tarik & prata!
posted by norhayati @ 12:49 AM   0 comments
Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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