Tuesday, February 28, 2006 |
Gubra |
And Gubra was simply...
Beautiful and honest.
I cried watching one scene in which Orked went through Jason's box where he kept their photos and numerous letters which he wrote for her but didn't send. It was a simple scene. Snippets of close ups and mid shots of Orked going through photographs and letters. No dialogue. But her actions spurred so much emotions within viewers like myself.
Another favourite scene is the one where Jason's mum held her husband's hand. He moved his hand away but slowly held his wife's hands tight. Again no dialogue. Just actions. Beautiful.
I love Yasmin Ahmad's works -- Rabun, Sepet, Gubra and I will definitely go watch Muchsin & Monte Carlo once it's released.
Oh yes, I shook hands with Yasmin Ahmad today. Not once but twice! We even took a group photo together. I was with Reha and Raudaa while they were interviewing Yasmin at her service apartment and in my heart, only god knows how ecstatic I was to finally meet my idol! I even met the real Mak Inom, Pak Atan and Orked (the entire Yasmin Ahmad family) and witness for myself the true inspirations in Yasmin's films.
Before we left, Yasmin said, "Kalau nak tumpang sembahyang, cakap aje sebab kat sini kita ada sejadah dengan telekong". But we kindly declined her offer and parted.
When I met her at the premiere, Ezra exclaimed to her that I was Yasmin's no. 1 fan and she gave me a light pinch on my hand. And for that brief second, I was probably on cloud nine!
Yes I am crazy about Yasmin Ahmad and her films. She's a true inspiration for dreamers like me. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:22 AM |
Monday, February 27, 2006 |
Today @ the Audition |
Netty and I saw someone familiar at the audition today but we just couldn't put our fingers as to where we've met this guy. It was a busy day today with about 200 actors/hosts wannabes who registered to be auditioned and therefore we were not able to check his name or ask him where he was from.
I'm now back home checking my emails when suddenly I remembered why the face looked so familiar to me and Netty. It was Fairuz (I think that's his name), the paramedic that we featured and interviewed for a couple of programs that we produced. Netty you remember him now? I'm sure Fins would recognise him too! And I still remembered the first time we featured him, he actually mentioned that he bumped into our make-up artist at some club??!! Quite a weird pick up line but oh well, nobody really cared back then coz we just wanted to finish our work as soon as we can.
Right now my whole body's aching from standing so long at the audition. It was the longest one so far having ended at around 9 plus at night. And I really hope that the judges got what they wanted. I wanted to do some catching up with Kak Pau just now to ask her about the contestants but was simply too fatigue.
I shall end today's entry with a quote from my favourite director... "Saya mahu, dengan Gubra, orang cuba mempertimbangkan semula setiap kali apabila mereka cuba untuk menghakimi orang lain. Saya mahu, apabila orang yang menghadapi keadaan antara cinta dan benci, supaya memilih cinta." - Yasmin Ahmad - |
posted by norhayati @ 1:23 AM |
Friday, February 24, 2006 |
Slowly... one by one is sick. |
Shab's back is killing him.
Ezra's down with headache and flu.
And I'm sniffing away in my little cubicle... yes I'm down with the flu bug. Gonna go see the doctor tomorrow coz I cannot afford to be sick because...
GUBRA'S Gala Premiere is this MONDAY!!!
Can't wait to go and meet Yasmin and Sharifah and Ng Choo Seng and etc etc etc... |
posted by norhayati @ 7:35 PM |
Tuesday, February 21, 2006 |
The Difference Between Ordinary & Extraordinary Is The Little Extra |
Firstly, our chairman is one hell of a gatal minah. Loves make-up and dressing up. She also has a favourite pastime -- looking at guys. (Sooo gatal kan?!) Adores the mirror and she just cannot live without them. She enjoys cooking for others while I only enjoy eating them. She's the one who shared my misery when we were both jobless and dead broke. She's also the one who came up with a smart plan to pool our money together and see how much food we can buy with what little we had. She's the one I cried my heart and soul to on MSN and would call me the next day to see if I was okay. Currently she's also my personal shopper. Babe, you compliment my impatience in shopping with your recommendations so thank you very much.
Our akak is one successful woman and we were deceived to think that she has no one in her life. Last night, she spilled the beans and frankly, it was one of the most beautiful love stories anyone had ever shared with me and Zul. It was so beautiful that I couldn't stop saying Aaawww and Oooooo throughout our conversation. Babe, you've found yourself a really nice guy. Cherish him okay and we will all pray for your happiness.
My adik is one nice and intelligent girl. Very sweet, witty and sharp. Who would expect that she would get noticed while sending tapes to the library. She also has a flair in acting and re-enacting scenes but too bad no one knew about her hidden talents except for us!
Then there is one clueless and blur babe. But beneath that blurness is a smart producer-director who's just waiting to unleash her creative juices and explore into the unknown like how she was playing with the camera and came up with the macam-buaya-scene! Very nice!
The last one is ditzy but very stylish. She's the one we go to for tips on where to get the cheapest accessories and clothes! She's also the one whom we cannot be angry at whenever she did something not-so-intelligent coz it's just her. But we still love her for who she is! And apparently, somebody's got an admirer! So where are you gonna dump that art teacher of yours???
Then there's Abang Salleh's wife who did the styling and make-up for Pesta, pesta, pesta. Don't you think the artistes featured all looked so gorgeous? Thanks to Intan!!! This woman is just so good with her hands! She cooks very well. She decorates her home till it look like some Bali resort. She did make-up and styling. Her 2 young sons are sooo cute (Too bad they're too young for me). What else? Oh she also braids somebody's hair during the auditions and even did some touch-up for her. Next time, heed my advice. Jangan layankan si budak mentel tu!
These are the extras in my life that made my simple life so EXTRAordinary.

posted by norhayati @ 10:37 PM |
Tuesday, February 14, 2006 |
Traumatic experiences in living |
Excerpts from Today newspaper.
A woman writes... "I was married for 30 years but my husband died recently. Now I need your help. Tell me how I'm supposed to act as a single. I need to learn how to have fun alone, to know what to say, what to do and not to do. Tell me how to come home to an empty house, not being needed, having no one to take care of and no one to share life with. How do I learn to enjoy my life again? I married the second man I ever dated and he was my best friend, my lover, my companion. How do I find love again? Any man I would date would not want to talk about my husband but I just can't put 30 years behind me and deny that they ever happened. Tell me where do I go for answers? And do those answers exist?"
To my networking friend yg sakit budak (yes you know who you are), I truly apologize for what happened. It was our fault and you deserved to be mad at all of us. And maybe we should have been more sensitive towards your feelings. But most importantly, like the woman who wrote the letter above, I cannot just put our years of friendship behind us and deny that any conflicts ever happened between all of us. After all, we are only humans and I am so sorry that you felt unappreciated. And I know that the answer lies in all of us. If only you will kindly forgive us all and go back to the good old days coz I missed you cuzzie! I really do.
yati ; ) |
posted by norhayati @ 10:58 PM |
Saturday, February 11, 2006 |
Our Concerted Resolution |
On Thursday, 9th of February 2006, in conjunction with the day of Ashura, members of the Muslim Youth Assembly & Jaafari Muslim Association of Singapore made a concerted resolution as follows:
"We hereby protest and condemn the caricatures and cartoons of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) printed in some western newspapers and request for their withdrawal and apologies for this infringement on the beliefs and sensibilities of all muslims and not to repeat the insult. The holy prophet (PBUH) preached Islam which means peace, the same message preached earlier by prophet Jesus Christ". |
posted by norhayati @ 2:42 PM |
What happened when 2 friends are bored? |
They will start to send mindless smses to each other.
I was in the canteen waiting for my IBS meeting to start while Didi's already in her IBS meeting. With more than 30 minutes to kill, my fingers started to type sms after sms to Didi despite knowing that she's currently in her meeting.
Yati's sms: "Oh Didi sahabatku, aku sedang bosan duduk di kantin seorang diri. Dan nampaknya ada setengah jam lagi harus ku duduk di sini. Oh tidak!!!"
Didi's sms: "Oh Yati yang duduk di kantin, aku ni sedang cuba membuka mata di sini. Tidak mengapalah duduk seorang diri. Bersedialah sahabatku Yati."
Yati's sms: "Wahai Didi yang ku sayangi, sms mu membuat aku tertawa sendiri. Sementara aku tunggu di sini seorang diri, kau cubalah membuka matamu dan berikan kosentrasi terhadap si glenn itu. Semoga kira berjaya meniti kesukaran hidup ini..."
Didi's sms: "Tidak tahu aku akan kecekapanmu bersajak wahai Yati. Sekarang kita di use case 46 dari 70. Aduhai Yati, janganlah kau ketawa seorang diri. Orang akan ingat kau tidak siuman nanti."
Yati's sms: "Maaf Didi tetapi sms mu membuat aku tertawa sendiri sekali lagi. Kita jumpa selepas kelas nanti. Dari sahabatmu yang cute sekali... Yati."
The End. |
posted by norhayati @ 4:01 AM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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