Sunday, May 28, 2006 |
The little girl at the airport |
While waiting to give Wawa a surprise at the airport, I was stunned to be approached by a little girl who came up to me to say hi. While she looked familiar, I replied her hello with a wide grin but no name came to mind. After the brief exchange, Netty asked me who it was but I could not remember her name. It was very disturbing and her image lingered in my mind from the moment we gave Wawa her birthday surprise, sat and chat about overseas trips, had dinner at Masayu to the cab ride home.
I slept thinking hard to myself who this cute little girl could be. Could she be one of the many people whom I've interviewed but have since forgotten over time?
So today, as I chatted with my mum, I told her about the little girl whom I met at the airport and my mum rambled a few names. Then it became clearer who the little girl was. I still cannot remember her name but at least I remembered who she is now. She is an orphan whom I met and made friends with during my uncle's funeral. I also remembered asking the little girl's mum if it was okay to interview her for Warna Ramadan back then (coz after her husband passed away, she was left to support her family by selling kuehs. Therefore, highlighting her struggle as a single mum is a good angle for ramadan).
If I ever bump into the little girl again, apart from saying hi and simply smile, I will definitely ask for her name and numbers.
This time, I want to catch up with her and see what little I can do to bring a smile to an orphan child.
While we are all enveloped in the rat race and live in a dog-eat-dog world, lets's not forget the victims of the earthquake that hit Yogyakarta. May God give them strength to cope with nature's calamity and let us all unite in prayers for their safety. |
posted by norhayati @ 11:23 PM |
Sunday, May 21, 2006 |
A song that can make any girl shed her tears |
Artist: Dygta Song title: Tak Bisa Memiliki
Bila Waktuku tersisa Untuk s'lalu di sisi Menjaga hatimu
Aku' Kan s'lalu mencoba Berikan yang terbaik Untuk kau miliki
Tapi maafkanlah aku Waktuku hanya sesaat
Aku tak bisa memiliki Menjaga cintamu Walau sesungguhnya hatiku mencintaimu, memilikimu Aku tak ingin kau terluka Mencintai aku Hapuslah air matamu dan lupakan aku
Sungguh Di batas asaku Hanya ingin kau bahagia Jalani hidupmu Aku kan slalu mencoba Berikan yang terbaik untuk kau miliki Tapi maafkanlah aku Waktuku hanya sesaat
We were hanging out at Arab Street when Netty let Irna listened to this song. And seeing how she "tangkap lentok", I knew I had to listen to it too. So thank you Netty for letting me listened to the song not once but TWICE!
And Adlyana Djawa, if you want to upload this song on your blog, please do it yourself okay. |
posted by norhayati @ 11:05 PM |
Saturday, May 20, 2006 |
The Girlfriends and their syndroms |
Laughter is the best medicine. So just a lil something for everyone to laugh at. (Just joking okay. So please take it with a pinch of salt and pepper. Names have been changed to protect the identities of those mentioned)
Adlyana Djawa -- manja, mentel, gatal, suka melaram & berposing. Kini menghidapi sindrom, "Cinta ikut musim" dan "Hatiku bukan plastik".
Irena Bayern -- sharp, focused yet mentel on occassions. Menghidapi sindrom "Suara bapok siam" dan "Bila nak pergi memancing dgn cikgu???"
Kesuma Wijoyo -- manis, peramah & popular tetapi menghidapi sindrom "Loktang" dan "Relapse sakit budak". Penyakit beliau yang terbaru pula ialah, "Tanya soalan, jawab sendiri".
Sri Setaresmi -- stylish, blur but with tons of admirers. Currently suffering from 2 unique syndromes, "What number is after 7?" and "Excuse me, can I be your matchmaker?"
Seri Raditya -- honest, appears strong but lembik (weak). Suffers from 2 syndromes called, "Sakit Budak" and "Fade to black".
Wijayanti Surya -- sweet, always lost in translation yet witty. Her syndrome is one of its kind. It is called, "Where's the kiblat tonight dear?"
So do not be fooled by these painted faces...

posted by norhayati @ 3:36 AM |
Friday, May 19, 2006 |
The French Man |
This is the long awaited picture of the cute French bell boy which my supervisor gave to me and Natra. And sorry, no prizes for guessing which one is my supervisor.
As a normal human being, don't we all love to admire God's creations?

"Hidup ini berlandaskan realiti kehidupan dan bukan fantasi..."
Oleh itu jangan nak syiok sendiri atau feeling-feeling bila tengok gambar ni okay. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:06 AM |
Thursday, May 18, 2006 |
On 3/3/o6 we gave Zulina a birthday surprise.
Slightly after midnight, the office was left empty while Netty, Irna, Fins and myself hide behind the door to surprise the birthday girl as she made her way up the office with Zaly & Alfee.
And she was greeted by candles and best of all...... US GIRLS!!!
 Zulina posing with the candles that signifies her age.
 Picture taking with the birthday girl.
We spent the night at Soundlink and as Netty cooked maggie for herself and Irna, I was trying my best to concentrate between watching Trainspotting and falling asleep. But alas! I was the first to eerrm.... fade to black! The next day, as I made my way to the office (so sad coz cannot sleep longer), some of the girls were still asleep! Jealous nya aku!
On 28/4/06, right about midnight, as I was in my room reading Zul's blog, the girls and Amir were outside getting ready to ambush me. Here they were at the lift lobby and posing with my birthday cake.

After being ambushed, with no time to make myself look good, we decided to pose for the camera!

Thank you to Netty and Zulina for the pictures! |
posted by norhayati @ 11:05 PM |
Sunday, May 14, 2006 |
Just being a friend |
School just started and I remembered coming in late for lecture and seated at the last row with a girl I hardly knew. She looked decent enough and even cared to share her notes with me. She really reminded me of a primary school mate but when asked, she was obviously not the girl whom I made her out to be. Since that day, we grew close and together with another bunch of 5 friends, we became our own clique but she was the one I was closest to. She was the one who will watch movies with me and mind you, it's art house movies that I am referring to... something that most people will probably not even consider watching.
At my lowest and my weakest, apart from God, her image will be among those that pop into my mind because she will never judge me no matter what. And I don't know why but I missed her so much and damn it coz she's away in Malaysia now.
In a friendship, it's NOT the gifts that makes you a better friend but it's the little things that you do that can change your friend's life.... for better or for worse.
To my friend who reached home at 6.30am, I hope you enjoyed yourself but as a friend, I also hope you know what you are getting yourself into. Cute guys are everywhere but a good one is often the one that we always missed out even though they are right smacked in front of us.
To Little-Miss-Bo-Blur who came home at 4.30am from clubbing, I thought you have a curfew?
God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another in some way. And as a friend, we do not judge but we remind each other of life's obligations.
And Erin Toh Mei Ling, I really miss you babe! |
posted by norhayati @ 1:18 AM |
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 |
Enggak usah janji. Nanti jadi beban. -- Ungu Violet |
posted by norhayati @ 7:42 PM |
Tuesday, May 02, 2006 |
It's probably a DREAM birthday celebration. Unplanned of course.
Surprise #1 Date: 28/4/06 Time: 12 A.M I was in my room reading Zul's blog when I heard a loud knock on my door. Surprisingly, no one answered the door even though my mum, Khay and Iqah were all still wide awake. When I opened the door, I was greeted by my mataharies!!! There they were... all 5 of them standing at my door, holding up my birthday cake!
Special thanks to Zulina, Netty, Irna, Fini & Amir.
Surprise #2 Date: 28/4/06 Time: About 10 a.m Natra told Ezra that it was my birthday and without thinking hard, he asked us girls out for breakfast and Didi was really lucky to be nearby coz Ezra offered her to join us as well. So it was FREE breakfast for us courtesy of Ezra!
Special thanks to Ezra and of course Didi & Natra that made the breakfast company even more FUN!
Surprise #3 Time: About 1 p.m As I was busy censoring my holiday blockbuster, Farlina came up to me asking me out for lunch. I was still full from the heavy breakfast but decided to join the rest as I just needed to get out of the office.
We reached the restaurant and Rosie, Didi & Diana were already there. I thought it was just lunch as usual until Diana wished me happy birthday and Rosie took out the mango, chocolate and oreo cream cakes. And of course not forgetting the gifts.
Special thanks to Diana, Didi, Zalinah, Rosie, Natra, Farlina & Alex.
I was having dinner with Zulina and Irna that night when out of the blue, Zaly and Alfee came over and joined us. And amazingly, Zaly was driving so being the gentleman that he was, he offered to send us home! Dude, so that car ride was my birthday gift huh? Okaylah if you want to put it that way.
Special thanks to Zaly, Alfee, Zul & Irna.
Surprise #5 Date: 1/5/06 Time: 5.30 A.M @ Taman Jurong Firstly, I was shocked beyond words when Baqir told me that the guys planned to drive up to Malacca to celebrate Qat's and my birthday. In my mind I was so afraid that I may not be up to the trip as my Sunday would be filled with work commitments. But not wanting to be the "loser", I conformed with the group and decided to give the road trip a try.
As usual, I was the last to arrive at the meeting point (which was at my block) because I overslept! But thanks guys for being so patient with me. I knew it was my fault so next time, somebody will have to give me a wake up call.
So off we drove to Malacca in 3 cars. We had lunch at Kenny Rogers in Malacca and the guys were so sweet. Baqir, Ihsan, Qatsier & Udin bought me a chocolate banana cake from Secret's Recepi! So sweet kan??!!
If lunch was in Malacca plus sight seeing in the museum and the beach, dinner was at Stulang courtesy of Baqir and Qatsier! The journey home was even more enjoyable as I shared Baq's pillow and we disturbed Qat with his kopi jantan and I ended up dozing in the car only to realize we have reached Taman Jurong!
It was definitely Fun, Fun, Fun!
Special thanks to Baqir (THE organiser), Imran, Sam, Aidil, Zaina, Kak Long, Qatsier, Ihsan, Zakiyyah, Lyana, Udin and not forgetting my little sweetheart, Azza!
Surprise #6 I know I can be a pain in the ass at times so it was really a surprise when you wrote that poem when time was crucial for you. Even more so when you wrote it as you were yawning away. But nevertheless, it was a nice gesture even though it was literally forced out of you. So I must really thank you for it. You think you can write me another one? |
posted by norhayati @ 10:57 PM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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