Wednesday, June 29, 2005 |
Everybody into the pool! |
Okay the time (according to the green clock in my room) is now 3:46AM. Please do not wonder why I am still wide awake.... this is just me, myself and I at probably one of my lowest points in my life.
Anyway, out of boredom, I was checking out my Freindster Horoscope for June 29th so check out what it says...
The Bottom Line Stay in step with those around you -- even if you're ready to go charging ahead.
In Detail Getting into the swim of things would be easier if you were willing to dip your toe in the waters. Sure, it might look a little chilly from where you're sitting, but that's because you haven't tried it yet. Once you jump in -- all the way in, no going in up to the waist and then changing your mind -- you might be surprised at how lovely this all turns out to be. Hesitating will just make it seem scarier than it is -- so move quickly, before you change your mind! Everybody into the pool!
My say: Yeah I guess it's not worth it to hesitate now. Time to send in MORE resumes!!!!
posted by norhayati @ 3:43 AM |
Tuesday, June 21, 2005 |
Okay I just blogged below on how much I wanted to have a stable, permanent job.
So here's the plan...
PLAN A: Full-time job in Marcomm, Corp Comm, PR or a junior position in any advertising agencies, production houses etc. (I'm so desperate that I'm willing to stoop so low. Don't mind any junior positions!)
PLAN B: Continue to freelance with various production houses. Take up other freelance post apart from producing. This could be copywriting and translation jobs or even shift works in book shops or clinics.
Anyone of you watched Monster-in Law? Watched how Charlie (J Lo) managed to do 3 different jobs? She walked the dog in the morning, tend to patients in the clinic and yet able to do what she liked in her free time -- design and paint! How cool is that man?! She is such an inspiration and I want to be like her.... juggle a few jobs and still get to do what I love -- Producing! Yeay!!! |
posted by norhayati @ 6:30 PM |
I'm meeting up my SIM kakis for dinner today.
The venue?
Our favourite makan place -- AL-AMEEN!!! Woohooo...!
Just too bad Erin can't make it coz I really miss her man! Erin I miss you dear! We should hang out soon!
So many good things happened today.... - the licensing officer finally called me after a month of wait. He needed some additional info before he can process the permit. - I finally managed to talk to Razli. It's really good to finally hear his voice and know that he's still alive! Actually I've been trying to contact him and ask if he wanted to take up the video job for Abang Aidil's wedding but since he didn't reply my calls.... well too bad then! Just be videographer for my wedding lah... in 10 years time! - I'm also discussing with Razli to get some story ideas and maybe send it to Project Pilot! Yeay!!! - Also thanks to Razli, I got Cikgu's contact and he was helpful enough to tell me on the copyright issue that I may have to deal with. Thank you cikgu!
And oh yeah, I'm also seriously considering to leave my freelance job for something more stable. I mean what kind of a life is this with NO CPF, NO insurance coverage, NO savings and NO medical benefits?!
I really envy you people out there with perm jobs. I want one too!!! |
posted by norhayati @ 6:16 PM |
Thursday, June 09, 2005 |
I interviewed Pak Sudin today. For my non-Malay friends who don't know who Pak Sudin is, well, he is a veteran Malay actor and was really BIG (famous, popular) in those era of the black and white Malay films.
Today, Pak Sudin is a happily retired actor who stays at home and looks after his grandchildren. Such a warm and witty man he is and I enjoyed every bit of our conversation. I'm sure Zul and Kak Pau would agree too.
Thank you Pak Sudin for the lovely insights into your life!
 That's Kak Pau with me and Pak Sudin. P.S/Baq, can you recognise her???
posted by norhayati @ 12:46 AM |
Sunday, June 05, 2005 |
Wedding invitations... |
The daughters of Cik Abu Shah and Cik Sudin are getting married today!
So Cik Md Baba came up with a rather brilliant idea for the people living in the west to go to the weddings together since one is in Woodlands and the other is in Jalan Damai, Bedok Reservoir Road. So altogether there's about 6 families boarding the big bus driven by Uncle Lim. Felt a bit like an excursion though! But it was fuuuuuuuuuun! Heheheheh!
First stop: Cik Abu Shah's invitation.... actually I don't know his daughter at all but oh well who cares?! I'm just there to accompany my parents, enjoy the food and to see the gorgeous bride! Woohoo...! The wedding deco was nice, simple and elegant. The bride.... looked gorgeous in her maroon outfit. And as we were about to leave for the next wedding, the groom came with his entourage.... so everyone just hanged around just to catch a glimpse of the groom! The groom obviously looked slightly nervous and shy as the crowd looked on but hey, thumbs up to you man! You still maintained that cool and relaxed composure! Guy friends who wants to get married, I think you'd better learn to keep yourself calm and composed when you parade around with your bride amidst the crowd. Muka kena maintain handsome okay kengkawan! Very, very important! Big boss man are you reading this?!
Second stop: Cik Sudin's invitation. Sumayyah should be 24 this year and we used to attend religious class together for about a year and that was in the old Imam Bara. I still remembered THE class where there's only 6 pathetic youths -- 3 girls and 3 guys. And there'll be weird moments when the other 2 girls were absent and I'II be the only girl so I'II be alone and will run to Jannah's class whenever there's a break. (Back then, Jannah was teaching).
Anyway, back to the wedding... Sumayyah's wedding was jam packed with people! My god! It was so crowded that Ayun and I had to "chop" seats for our parents! This Cik Sudin aahh.... God knows how many people he invited. And oh yeah... Cik Sudin looked so handsome in his baju kurung, kain samping and songkok! Bapa pengantin katakan! Heheheheheh!
And I managed to take 2 snap shots of Sumayyah and her husband. They both looked so gorgeous! If you're wondering why they both aren't looking into the camera, well, that's because I took it from far. Remember I said the wedding was crowded so I didn't manage to get close to the bride and her man....

To the bride and groom, I wish you all the happiness in the world and may God bless you with healthy and cute babies! |
posted by norhayati @ 4:57 PM |
Thursday, June 02, 2005 |
A letter that's long overdue... A trust that I do not deserve... Admiration and praises...
I don't deserve it all. Serious. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:48 AM |
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 |
"A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us."
Thank you to all my wonderful friends. Without you, I am nothing... |
posted by norhayati @ 3:47 PM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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