Thursday, April 28, 2005 |
A poet friend of mine wrote a lovely poem which I'd like to share with all of you. So check it out people....
Had I found heaven’s embroidered silk, Laced with golden and silver light, I would have spread it under your feet, This cloak from your shining knight, But alas ! Penniless I am, Nothing but this song of mine, Melodies to serenade you while you sleep, And glaze your dreams so fine…
I could never have believed it, When I first slipped your small hands into mine, Mellowed my heart with your tender touch, And stilled the streams of time, When I gaze into your face, Before me, this beautiful shade of grace, I’m just a young boy smiling at you with love letter eyes, So, let me carve your name into the soul of velvet skies. |
posted by norhayati @ 4:21 AM |
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 |
I love my television. |
Since young, I have always been intrigued by the television set. A square piece of box, when switched on, will produce some of the most entertaining programs for the family to watch. And mind you, when I was young, I watched everything that the television will show. Cartoons, Malay varieties and dramas, Tamil and Hindi movies, Channel 8 dramas. Everything. Of course during those times when I was growing up, Channel 5 was not that happening. There were not many local shows except for those on Channel 8 and therefore I grew up watching and liking the likes of Zoe Tay and Li Nanxing. And I still like them till today!
And when I reached 14 or was it 15 years of age, that I discovered a course in the local polytechnic that specializes in television and film production. And boy was I excited at my little discovery! And amazingly, I did not even know what a producer or a director really does or what are the process that goes on before a particular television programme was produced. All I know was that I wanted to be like those kids in the course brochure, sitting behind a control panel with those colorful buttons that they can press and let the world enjoy the television programs that they made! Heheheheh! How naive was I back then!
But it was my humble beginning that led me to be what I am today. And I am happy and contented. Yet sad. Because seriously, there is not much future in what I do. Most of my friends are freelancers. And there is no stability in freelancing. And currently one by one of my friends are losing their jobs. Thanks to the bad economy. Most are changing professions. Some even toy with the idea of migrating.
For me, whatever projects that I have right now can only last me till June/July if I am lucky. The second half of the year is going to be a bit tough. My Plan B? Maybe go overseas and work coz television is more than a job. It is my love and my passion. It's like my baby. I cannot even think of anything else that I can do but this.
I love my television. Don't you? |
posted by norhayati @ 12:23 AM |
Monday, April 18, 2005 |
Down with the flu bug... |
My throat feels dry and itchy at times. I have running nose. Feels feverish at times especially during bed times. Damn! I hate it when I'm sick! Luckily there's Panadol at home.
BUT.... I'm really looking forward to meeting Erin & Yatie this Friday! We're watching Stray Dogs!!! Yahoo!!! Those who can't watch Stray Dogs because of upcoming exams, please don't be jealous hor! Kwa...kwa...kwa! But don't worry I will top up the study aid kit with more yummilicious (got such a word meh?!) chocolate granola bars!
Hhmm.... what else is there to look forward to??? Well... there's Desperate Housewives tomorrow and my long overdue pay cheque which I will only receive by end of the month. A new job contract. Birthday gifts!!!! BIG HINT here people! Hehheheheh! Eerrmm.... Baq, if you're reading this, please don't forget okay coz a true brother will not forget his sister's birthday! Heheheheh!
Till then toodles peeps!
Off to my bed! |
posted by norhayati @ 2:26 AM |
Friday, April 15, 2005 |
Woman and volcanoes. How we are so alike. |
I saw one of the most good looking baby ever! Baby Abbas Mehdi is sooooo cute and handsome! And mind you, he's an April Fool's baby and was only 11 days old when I met him on Monday! He looks just like Jawad. I'm sure he'll be charming like Jawad too.
I still remembered the days when Jawad was much, much younger and some of the girls were madly in love with him. And mind you I'm talking about teenage girls here! So gatal! But then again, teenagehood is when your hormones start working over-time right? Heheheh!
Coz you don't go crazy over guys when you are my age. Like a volcano, I am in my dormant stage. Not typically gatal but that doesn't mean I do not look at handsome guys and go.... WOW! Which I still do but very rarely of course. Too busy with work I guess.
While girls in their teens (12 years and above) are probably in their ACTIVE stage now. They scout around for cute guys, observe and admire them from afar. If they're brave enough, they'll probably go forward to express their feelings.
And for a woman who reach 50 and above, I guess this is her EXTINCT period? Come menopause and all, there's just too much on her mind that she'll probably have no time to admire that handsome neighbour who just moved in.
For those who do not study Geography, here's what the terms meant: Volcanoes are divided into 3 - Active: meaning they will erupt every now and then - Dormant: meaning they stop erupting for a while but that doesn't mean they will not erupt. These volcanoes are just taking a longer break. - Entinct: Volcanoes that do not erupt anymore.
Now you evaluate a girl's/woman's behavior towards the opposite sex. Don't you agree with me that with age, woman are just like volcanoes! |
posted by norhayati @ 2:46 AM |
Facial Mask anyone...? |
Yup this entry was meant for yesterday. I was not able to upload my entry because it kept saying ERROR So here I am today about to share with you my wonderful experience using a Deep Cleansing Facial Mask for the first time in my life!
I bought a facial mask about 2 weeks ago from Mustafa Centre which costs me $6.80 I thought to myself hey, why don't I try a facial mask since it promise to cleanse and condition my skin leaving it visibly brighter. Sound tempting doesn't it? So after thinking for a minute or two, I decided to give it a try.
I had to use this mixture of natural clay and seaweed extract once a week for only 3 minutes! Isn't that cool? Most facial masks will require MORE time than that! Trust me on this! So I tried it and 3 minutes passed by so swiftly that I ended using it for about 7 - 10 minutes (being the typical kiasu girl that I am) before washing up. And when I looked at the mirror, my face did not look visibly brighter but it certainly felt softer. And I like the feel of my new soft skin, So good to touch!
So for a first time user, I'm glad I bought a facial mask that worked for my skin. But this product has yet to prove itself by making my skin visibly brighter. Maybe it will after a few months? Can't wait to find out!
Hopefully, being the sometimes blur and forgetful auntie that I am, I just hope I will not forget to use my facial mask every week! Remember yati... visibly brighter skin.... you want that right? |
posted by norhayati @ 2:01 AM |
Sunday, April 10, 2005 |
What a day!!!!! |
Yup had fun watching City of God with my fellow Pearlines! It was simply awesome! You have good taste in movies lah uncle... Just like ME!!!! (Bukan perasaan tapi kenyataan..... Translated as "It's not made up BUT the truth")
After the movies, the 4 of us head down to our favourite makan joint -- ALIF!!! Once there, we had a feast and turned to crazy hyenas laughing and giggling away taking pictures and exchanging anecdotes of our lives!
But of course I had to "buoi" or is it spelt as "buay" someone and didn't attend to an appointment as promised. To the person, I'm so sorry! And now when I think about it again, I feel a bit guilty. Heheheheh! I will try to make it up to you okay and hey I owe you a drink since I lost a bet we made. Damn! But okay lah. Anything for you!
Tomorrow I will be teaching tuition with Starfruit coz Daniel had to teach the Primary 6 pupils coz Khai cant make it.... so no escaping for me! Heheheheh!
And oh yeah, Jules getting engaged tomorrow. So congrats Jules!!!!! I'm so happy for you! |
posted by norhayati @ 12:42 AM |
Saturday, April 09, 2005 |
April -- Month full of Birthdays...and PINK?! |
Zak and I went to shop for Naddy and Feeza's birthday presents today. And so we bought 2 books for Feeza from Borders -- "Man are from Mars. Women are from Venus"(which she wanted) and a fiction about love and building relationships. Hope she enjoys reading them!
For Naddy, we bought her a pink, girly bag with a cute dark pink ribbon. And the best thing about the bag is that it can be folded to be re-sized, meaning Naddy can use it either small or big, depending on her mood and the occasion.
So what's with the colour pink? Why are girls obsessed with pink? Pink = Color for girls?
I don't know for sure but I do know that most of my girlfriends are obsessed with anything PINK! And oh yeah even my 5 year old sister is obsessed with pink. Most of her things are pink from her stationery to her slippers to her clothes! Is there some kind of high fashion label out there promoting the color or is pink THE color of the season? But even so, it still doesn't answer my little sister's obsession with the color. Maybe it's the advertisements that she saw on TV. Those cute Barbie dolls in their pink sweater and coats, those Polly pocket toys in pink etc. My cute little sister is so obsessed with pink that she asks me to buy her a pair of pink scissors. So tomorrow I will have to head down to the nearest stationery store with my sister in tow looking for her pink scissors! Anyone else yearns for pink scissors? We can go shop together! |
posted by norhayati @ 2:09 AM |
Saturday, April 02, 2005 |
Yati - POST employment. Got such a word meh?! |
I'm in the office right now transferring some of my works... gosh this whole process of transferring your work from one tape to another is sooooo.... boooriiiiing!!! Yawn....!
Had a chat with the bunch of happening girls (Jules, Zulina, Fins) just now. It was so FUN! Been a while since I last met them.
Hhmm... what else? It's been almost a week since I last worked. But it's been a week well spent. I helped my mum with the housework, met up with Yatie, went to shop at Mustafa to buy naan bread for my dad, attend meetings, sleep and of course, watched "In Good Company" with uncle! It was a good movie right uncle??? Heheheh!
I'm going to start updating my resume and send them out by next Tuesday or Wednesday. After much thinking, I don't think it's wise to be jobless for too long coz the whole process of getting a job will take quite a while too. Most of my friends are in the same plight.... some about to look for a job, others simply looking for greener pastures on the other side of the fence and some just having to move on after being asked to leave from their respective companies. Yeah life is hard for everyone now. Just like Dan Foreman in the film, "In Good Company".
Anyway, I'm getting an MP3 player from Big Boss Man for my birthday!!! Yipeeeeeee!!! And I've also chosen the color --- WHITE! Double yeayness!!! Which reminds me that I have to buy pressies for Naddy & Feeza soon. Zak, let's go find their pressies next Thursday? We'll meet after you finish school.
To those who's still scratching their heads not knowing what to buy for my birthday, drop me a line. I will tell you what to buy... Heheheh!!! (If Steph reads this, she'll probably be shaking her head saying how shameless I am!!! Hehe!)
And oh yeah, I'II be watching this Iranian film, Stray Dog with Erin. Will just have to check on the date and timing and see if she can make it. Steph, you want to follow us??? Call me. |
posted by norhayati @ 2:47 PM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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