Sunday, August 28, 2005 |
Any volunteers...? |
Yatie Wahab and I are currently volunteering for a homework supervision program every Sunday morning at Bukit Batok. It's a 2 hour program where students who come from supposedly low income families are supervised in their homeworks by volunteers.
Volunteers here means amazing human beings who can sacrifice their sleep on Sunday morning to teach for FREE. It also refer to average Tom and Jane who are coerced/feel obligated to teach because asked to do so by parents or other adults or simply waiting to cabut come 2006. They also teach for FREE.
Each level (from primary 1 to sec 4) are assigned about 2-3 volunteers who will take turns to teach every week so at least they only teach every fortnight.
So when I saw Bedah online, I asked her if she's coming on Sunday since her partner won't be coming. Bedah was shocked and began to snap at me saying she's got lots of things to do and why didn't her partner tell her that she won't be around etc etc. In short, Bedah planned on not coming and assumed that it's okay coz her partner, Joyah will be around. Joyah too, probably assumed that Bedah will be around and therefore, it's okay to not come... which brings me to my next point.
Slowly one by one of the volunteers are either backing out or not coming because of various reasons from being lazy, to having to study, to work and to God knows what else... but I guess we have to accomodate coz they are after all, volunteers (kindly refer to the various meanings).
So I appeal to friends who are free on Sunday morning to come and volunteer their time to teach these kids. While you may not be paid, you will encounter an enriching and humbling experience teaching the rascals and angels alike and hopefully whatever knowledge imparted to these kids will go a long way in enriching their lives as students.
So what say you? |
posted by norhayati @ 12:32 AM |
Saturday, August 27, 2005 |
The Way Home |

Everyone should watch the Korean film, The Way Home, a simple story that touched on the relationship between 2 generation - 7 year old city boy (Sang-Woo) and his old and frail deaf-mute grandmother who lived in the rural part of Korea. It's such a beautiful story that it made me cry.
Gist of movie: 7 year old spoilt brat was sent packing to stay with his grandma since his single mum was looking for a job in Seoul. While staying with his grandma, you could see Sang-Woo's snobbish and selfish ways as he called her dirty and stupid, pee on his grandma's only pair of shoes, stealing her hairpin and lots more only to be embraced by his grandma with so much love and affection.
So unconditional was her love that Sang-Woo gradually learnt to love his grandma.
One touching scene that made me go teary-eyed was when Sang-Woo was about to leave for Seoul and frantically trying to teach his grandma to write simple words so that they can exchange letters. Unfortunately grandma was too old to grasp the simple concept of writing and Sang-Woo simply told her to send him a blank letter if she was ill so that he can rush down to see her! Ain't that sweet coming from a 7 year old spoilt brat?! Aaawwwwww...
I'm sure everyone can relate to this movie and recall their own moments with their grandparents coz it did just that for me.
- I remembered those days as a litle girl, I would cry out loud every time my parents were about to leave for home. Being their fav grandchild, I always won and get to sleep over at my grandparents'. And staying over at my grandparents' also meant shopping trips where I can go buy ice-cream at the old Boon Lay Shopping Ctr or the mamak grocery shop! Besides that, my grandma will also buy me clothes which I can choose myself! Yeay!!!
- My grandparents brought me to umrah when I was 13. Actually I didn't want to go but since they're paying, so what the heck?! I truly enjoyed the shopping though, coz my grandma let me buy anything! She also bought me a ring there (coz last time... Golden Chance belum ada beb!)
- My grandparents bought me a pair of pretty diamond earrings for my birthday. You want to know why? Coz yours truly asked for it! Heeheheh!
- My grandparents willingly allowed themselves to be paraded and photographed around Geylang. That was for a print advertisement for some mosque building fund. My grandfather even had to take a day off just for that. They even allowed their humble abode to be turned into a photography studio for some print advertisement. So sweet right??!!
There were many other countless moments where my grandparents showered their unconditional love to me to a point that I almost stayed with them for good! But of course my dad didn't allow knowing that I would probably grow up to be a spoilt brat!
I want to visit my grandparents and maybe break fast with them come Ramadan. Silly me! I only realised how much I love them after watching The Way Home! But good also lah... better now than never right? Hehe!
Trivia: Did you know that 78 year old Kim-Eul-Boon who acted as the grandmother, has never seen a film before appearing in The Way Home?
Oh btw, thanks Zulina for lending me the vcd. I'm gonna watch it again before returning it to her this Tuesday ; ) |
posted by norhayati @ 11:26 PM |
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 |
I'm just a phone call away... |
Firstly, a very happy 16th birthday to our baby Pearline, Kiki!!! Hope you had fun on your birthday babe! I love you so much!
And Naddy, I LOVE Daniel Powter's BAD DAY!!! The song! The MTV! So cool right!
I've watched PERTH : The Geylang Massacre! The only mistake was to watch it when I'm a bit sleepy and therefore I kinda doze off in the midst of the film.... but not for too long coz I managed to stay awake till the film ended. And oh boy, was it bloody! Erin was covering her mouth as she watched the slash-man-with-parang bit! Gory!
And dear, dear Erin... THANK YOU so much for the lovely time, the lovely dinner and the taxi treat home! Heheheheh! Let's do this again and watch Must Love Dogs!
Yatie, Mar, and Fins, pls take care and eat lots of chocolates to cheer yourselves up okay. If you need anything, I'm just a phone call away ; )
To my SIM friends who will be graduating in 2 days' time, ALL THE BEST with the oversized graduation robe with its neon pink sash! Wheheheheh! Yes people... I am mean.
Okay time to boboks (sleep) now.
Chow! |
posted by norhayati @ 12:03 AM |
Thursday, August 18, 2005 |
Just something random... |
ripped this off somewhere....
o1 do u ever blog? yes
o2 ever thought of life as miserable? yes at times
o3 who do u want to receive a call from? Prospective employers who wanna give me a FULL TIME job!
o4 do u love ur friends? A LOT!!!
o5 are u in love with a gurl? Yes. Too many names to type here. Tee Hee ; )
o6 name 5 favourite things u'll take out. Mobile phone, mp3 player, wallet, a notepad and a pen.
o7 who was the last one who sent u home? Eerrmm.... the cab driver?!
o8 getting a life? yeah
o9 how's life? Let's just say that God has always been kind to me
10 do u like ur life? yes and Thank You God for all that you've bestowed upon me and my family
11 has anyone ever make ur life miserable? of course!
12 live without a cell phone for a week? To me, that is equivalent to a myopic without his glasses
13 who will u die with? I'd rather die alone so that the rest can just mourn for a while before moving on with their lives
14 how many times do u blog in 1 week? depends on my mood and how much time I have in my hand
15 homesick? I don't remember feeling homesick leh
16 lovesick? The key is NOT to indulge or torture yourself too much people
17 when were u last sick? I seriously cannot remember man
18 in msn who was the last who logged in? Eerrmm.... Hang Nadim. I saw him around 3 in the morning!
19 favourite songs by who? Too many to type but I also like those songs penned by Fad esp Make Believe
21 wad did u do in the past hour? Ate mee goreng while watching the original Bewitched starring Elizabeth Montgomery & Dick York! They're sooooo good I tell you!
22 wad did u eat in the past hour? Mee goreng and my Vitamic C capsule
23 wad did u drink in the past hour? Plain water
24 wad were the last 3 movies u watched? Ungu Violet, Initial D and Mr & Mrs Smith. (Eerrmm.... anyone wanna go watch Perth with me?)
25 wad was the last tv show u watched? Bewitched
26 who was the last to text u? My beloved friend -- Zulina Maya Karin AKA Siti Nurzulina AKA Zulina-Miss-Syok-Sendiri
29 seeking a gf/bf rite now? seeking a full time job actually
30 have u rejected anyone b4? yup
31 do u have anyone in ur heart rite now? even if i do, it's not gonna make any difference to that person
32 do u believe in ur horoscope? actually.... no. But I love reading them just for the fun of it
33 do u always remember ur dreams? nope
34 last thing that made u cry? not a thing definitely. a jerk!
35 last person who made u smile? Atiqah
36 do u hate anybody at the moment? nope
37 do u love anybody at the moment? I love myself a lot!
38 the person(s) u trust? Fad, Erin, my Pearlines and the one who remembered my graduation! Hee hee ; )
39 the person(s) who give/s u advice? Many and thanks to them - Fad, Erin, Zulina and the list goes on...
40 da person u love most? Gotta be my mum! She's such an amazing human being I tell you! I LOVE HER so much and should I have enough money, I wanna buy her an oven. Coz you see, her oven's spoilt and since then, she has not been able to bake those yummilicious cakes and cookies so I really need to get her an oven! And oh yes... the oven's gonna cost a whopping $600 so anyone wish to make a donation to "Yati-wanna-buy-her-mum-an-oven fund"? I promise I'm not gonna install gold plated tapes in my shower (Pinky promise people)
41 favorite places? Anywhere with good and cheap food
42 does someone bother u? yes... a horny boy whom I have since blocked from my MSN
43 what turns u off the opp sex? Horny guys
44 what turns u on? A good sense of humour and just being oneself. That's good enough. |
posted by norhayati @ 4:46 PM |
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 |
Atiqah |
Atiqah, my 6 year old vain sister surprised me lately. I was looking through the pictures in my digital camera when I came across a few pictures of her which she took herself. Check it out people... my camera whore sister...

Ain't she cute and pretty? Yatie Wahab commented last Sunday that Atiqah and I looked so alike that people may just mistook her for my daughter instead of my sister. Yes Yatie. Thanks for the reminder and I believe I do get that a lot. Even the apek at the bookshop near my house mistook her for my daughter! Whahahahha!
Well no matter how vain Atiqah may be, she's still one of the BEST things that's ever happened to my life (apart from the loving parents and wonderful friends). She'd irritate me asking all sorts of questions while I'm watching TV, take forever to choose which tidbits she'd like to buy whenever we go to NTUC, throw tantrums at everyone when she doesn't get to do what she wants BUT....
She's the only one who incessantly writes "I Love You" notes and cards for me and updates me on what happens at home while I'm away. She talks non-stop and makes me laugh at her crazy antics and most times, this amazing 6 year old just makes me feel good about myself coz she's always there for me. How I wish the age gap between Atiqah and I isn't this wide coz then, we can do girly, sisterly stuff together -- cry together, fight with each other, share clothes and best of all be my gossip partner! Whahahahah!!!
Okay dream on woman! |
posted by norhayati @ 3:26 PM |
Hisyam the mat scooter guy has a new passion -- photo taking! So peeps out there, if you're looking for a rookie, cheap photographer with a pair of fake blue eyes, do alert me. As a token of my appreciation for Hisyam's support in the event that I am organising this weekend, I am putting up 2 of his pictures for all to adore... ;)

By the way, Fad just wrote a really beautiful song. However, due to copyright reasons, I can only put up the first 3 verse of his song. So just a teaser for all to sample. Expect the rest of the lyrics this September.
Title: Make Believe
How can you be so lonely In the night When you got him by your side
p.s/ Fad, is the seafood flavoured Maggie mee nice? |
posted by norhayati @ 3:21 AM |
Saturday, August 06, 2005 |
Cinta itu memang kental |
Food for thought.
A whole 3 hours with the alumni sparked many new ideas and possibilities that one could explore.
Who'd have thought that Cinta can be so kental?
Real life scenarios on how the whole process towards achieving love can be so kental or even how kental love can be.....
- when a friend fell in love with a Mat S'pore who resembled a Mat Mlysia courtesy of his image (ponytail and baggy clothes) and least to say, his fondness to use Mlysian lingo like "kot" and "Ayak". Like hello?! How many S'porean girls can fall for a guy like that?!
- when we found out that a true blue Mat Mlysia(he comes with the goatee and thick, wavy ponytail mind you) hugged and kissed a friend who's crying her heart out on her last day at work. My initial reaction was, "My god! He hugged and kissed you?! Babe, maybe he's got feelings for you! Oh soooo kental!!! Hheheheheh!
- looking at how Mat-Mat Johor courted minah-minah Johor or S'pore. Imagine guys with moustache and either centre parting hair or wavy ponyail and looking much older than their age. Now imagine them trying to attract the girls with words such as "Si cantik manis" and "Hi Cik Adik boleh kenal-kenal?". Doesn't that send a chill down your spine? They are in serious need of better pick up lines!
No offence to anyone okay esp our fellow Mlysian friends. Love transcends all boundaries. And thus you find people falling in love with the right one, the wrong one, the same gender one and of course not forgetting the kental ones. And hey no harm taking a step back to laugh at ourselves and others once in a while. Don't they say that laughter's the best medicine? |
posted by norhayati @ 12:59 AM |
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 |
How's everybody...? |
People say that humans are complex. Yes. I guess we all are. In some way or another. Coz I guess I'm complex too in my own weird way. Can be kind of hard to decipher my character at times. They say we all need a shoulder to cry on, Well sometimes all you need is someone to be beside you at your worse time and not say a word. Coz knowing, seeing and being able to feel that presence beside you can sometimes be so magical that like a wand, it takes away all the pain and sorrow. And left you feeling serene and at peace.
And I believe.... like any good TV shows... all good must come to an end. Just like some sweet beginnings must come to a bitter end. |
posted by norhayati @ 12:43 AM |
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Silent All These Years (Tori Amos)
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