Sunday, February 29, 2004 |
Well actually not only Syiah Muharram. There's also Syiah Maulana .... those who came to majlises only when Maulana's around. They are whom I personally call the EXCLUSIVE CROWD. The ones who only listens to whom they think is the most supreme and worthy of listening. Issh...Ishhh you people ought to change. Shame on you. Next time come and listen to Ustaz Rosli as well. This man has abundance of knowledge and how would you know if you never attend his lessons?
I can see ants roaming in my room. How come there's ants in my room? Well coz people have been eating in my room... Apul, Ika, Khay. Their bits and pieces of food that littered my room floor probably attracted the ants to my room. Now I see ants on my computer table. Of all places...
Next class is on Friday and there's going to be majlis Muharram for the ladies on Sunday. Have to get some of the girls to recite the Quran, be the chairperson, recite marsiyahs, nauhas, etc. Should I also recite a marsiyah? Hhmm... can lah. I'II be on standby just in case there's not enough people. My voice sucks actually so that's why I have not been reciting any marsiyahs, nauhas. Really. It sucks terribly. |
posted by norhayati @ 3:17 AM |
Tuesday, February 24, 2004 |
How's it been? Well not too bad I'II say. School's great. It's nice to meet up with the usual bunch AGAIN -- Erin, Anita, Steph & Jean. Anu & Isher were absent. Too busy with work I guessed. The lecturer? Hhmm... Erin & I were making fun of Rodney Goon when we first saw him. He's got that sly and snobbish looking grin on his face and we thought this was one lecturer we're bound to hate but alas.... he's the total opposite! Rodney Goon was witty and horny. This 55 year old man made lecture such a breeze and I believe I will not fall asleep in his class even after a whole day of shoot! Gerenti beb! Heheheheh!!!
Work on the other hand, is not looking very rosy for me. I'm still lacking stories for my program and the various organisations that I've contacted has not been very forthcoming in assisting me with the program. Sigh! Oh Never mind.
And Muharram.... very enlightening indeed! I've attended 3 days of majlises and I hope to be present for all 10 days. Insyallah. Ihsan gave me this web addy -- and I listened to one of the lectures by Sayed Mahdi Al-Modarresi. Oh my God! It was so enlightening and I had a warm feeling in my stomach while browsing through the pictures of the people in London commemorating the death of Imam Husayn. I don't know why but I was touched I guessed. The lecture hall was filled to its brim and it was interesting to know that there are many others around the world who commemorate the death of Al-Husayn just as you.
There's been 3 death occasions in my neighbourhood within a week or maybe even less -- an old Malay auntie living on the 7th floor, my mum's friend's mother-in-law and currently some Chinese man/woman. They just set up the tables, chairs, altars and coffin today. And on my way back just now, I saw some Chinese man seated on a round table chatting away. It's weird. I'II tell you why. Because for the past week, between midnight and 3 AM in the morning, I heard some chirping, whistle like sound and this sound seemed to come from a bird coz the sound seemed to travel in a roundabout manner till there's 1 occasion it really sounded close to my window. But then again.... no birds come out at night except for the owl.... And the next day, I will, without fail, received news of a death that happened in my neighbourhood! The thought of it sent chills down my spine! I heard the same sound again yesterday and I wondered to myself... is someone going to die or is it death calling out to me? Gosh! I was so scared that I had difficulty sleeping. And why was I afraid? Duh?! Coz I'm not ready to die yet! I've sinned a lot in my life and I'm sure I'II go to hell!!!! NO!!!!!
Now it's 1.20AM and I do not hear the weird sound anymore. Maybe when I hear it again, I should just try and peer out my window to see the source of this sound. But then again... what if it's something that I never wish to see...
posted by norhayati @ 12:53 AM |
Thursday, February 19, 2004 |
Yes work is pilling up and school's starting this Friday. Gosh! What good timing! Not only that, Muharram is this Saturday!
It's amazing that everytime work is pilling up for me, my classes will resume at the same time and my major assignment is always due on the same day that my offline or online is due. Great. Just great.
Now I'm just looking forward to MORE sleepless nights - working late in the office and even sleeping in the office! Sigh! It's time to top up the Nescafe sachets in the pantry! |
posted by norhayati @ 2:07 AM |
Wednesday, February 18, 2004 |
Shikin's 2 year old daughter is soooo cute! I went to visit her with Kak Long, Hana & Nur Indah last Sunday... well I suggested that the girls visit her as a friendly gesture before she leaves for Iran since none of us except for Kak Long, interacts with her in majlises. But alas, out of the maybe 10 to 15 girls whom I asked, only 2 (excluding Kak Long who volunteered to accompany me) agreed to follow. So what the heck! 4 is better than none right?
Gosh! Shikin and I used to attend religious classes together back then. In fact it's Shikin, Jannah & I -- all born in 1980 and were in the same class for maybe 3,4 years? Well I can't quite remember but we used to be close... the 3 of us. We went to study together at FORUM (Hehehehh!!! I can still remember), we hanged out together during tamrins etc. Who would have thought in our individual pursuits, by the age of 23, Jannah is a mother of a baby girl, Shikin is a mother of 2 baby girls and I'm still struggling here in Singapore!
Well never had I, in my wildest dreams even thought of Shikin going to Iran to study!!! Shikin...Iran????
Very BIG question mark. No offence but Shikin is your typical, average, teenage girl but she's no ustazah wannabe so I was puzzled by her decision to go Iran. But then again, people change and maybe when we both drifted apart, she changed and I didn't know coz I was too caught up with my own affairs. Yeah probably and I didn't even bother to call her even though I knew she was leaving the country. How selfish was I?!
In any case, it's really interesting to see how those who grew up with you expand and grow in their own ways. It's stimulating...really. I have friends who are:
married with kids,
friends who are divorced,
friends who are engaged,
friends who are still unsure of their life,
friends who are trying to figure out their life,
friends who are still studying like me,
And they are all within the age of 23-26.
But no matter what, I feel so blessed. So today I would like to thank
GOD for still keeping me alive.
Kak Long, Indah & Hana for accompanying me to Shikin's.
Shikin & her parents for being such great hosts.
Jules for giving me so many tealight candles. I'm thrilled!
My Bosses for still trusting me.
And my parents for bringing me to this world.
posted by norhayati @ 1:59 AM |
Saturday, February 14, 2004 |
Guess what I did for V-Day .... went to Bukit Timah nature reserve with Apul, Baqir & Zak! Heheheh!!! And Baq showed me the 3 caves that can be found there. Hhmm... well at least I can try to work out something... why is the cave closed and where does it lead to coz it seems like there is a light at the end of the cave. It has to lead you to some open space I believe. The light seemed so distant and I'm determined to explore it. I took lots of pictures of the cave so that I can present it to the authorities in my so-called investigation... Heheeeheh!!!
During the hike, I realised my stamina was so damn weak and low! It's been years since I last exercised and I have to regain my fitness level!!! Need to start exercising!!! I've told Baqir that it'd be a good idea to go hiking once a month and he agreed to it. Our AIM -- to hike from Bukit Timah to McRitchie reservoir by the end of the year! Wow! I can't wait for this to happen! Hopefully I'II be super FIT by then!
Religious class today was so enlightening! Cik Tayib questioned each and everyone of us on salat, its significance and what good does it bestow upon you who do it... WOW!!!! I really enjoyed today's class. Even though NOT many attended the class, the lecture presented was interesting and rejuvenating!
Atiqah wasn't her normal self today when I saw her in majlis... and this was weird! She wouldn't even want to play with the other kids! Gosh! What's the matter with you darling? So I had to literally pull her into the room and force her to play with the other kids. Can you believe it? She never needed any forcing when it comes to playing & having fun. But she went to normal-mood mode after a while so I guessed everything's fine and I basically missed every single thing that Ustaz Aziz presented. I was busy entertaining the kids in the room.
Today I would like to THANK:-
GOD for still keeping me alive
Baqir, Apul & Zak for accompanying me to Bt Timah
Udin for driving us to Bukit Timah
Qatsier for meeting us at Al-Azhar. This simply means added FUN
Cik Tayib for the truly rejuvenating lecture in class
The Pearlines for making me laugh NONE stop
Ajis for the karipaps
Kak Long for accompanying me to visit Shikin tomorrow
My Parents for bringing me to this beautiful world
Thank you All! I feel so Blessed! Thank you!
posted by norhayati @ 11:51 PM |
Thursday, February 12, 2004 |
I have to start my research soon. Gonna be super duper busy by the last week of February since school's starting next week! Oh no! Yes Yati... wake up please... school's starting next week darling!
Sent Yatie Wahab off at the airport yesterday with Netty. I guessed Netty, Yatie & I were trying very hard to fight back our tears and Thank God no one cried or else.... hehehehehh!!!! I'm gonna miss Yatie sooo much! Heck it's 1 year anyway so it's gonna pass by quickly.
Today Kak Fauz called me and she told me Zul's wife just gave birth to a baby boy last Saturday!!! Yipeee! Second son! Congratulations Mr Zul! Gosh! I forgot to sms him... better sms Zul tomorrow.
I just read the Pearlines entry just now. Naddy...your entry was sooo funny! I can't help laughing very hard. Thank God I'm NOT drinking as I was reading your entry or else.... tersembur kat monitor nanti! I love the classic Miss Klutz tales.... eh can make into a comic strip! Kiak kiak kiak!
Got a meeting tomorrow and I'd better NOT forget to email Fini the photos that I took at the airport with Yatie and Netty. Hhmm... I'm going to email it to Fini now... |
posted by norhayati @ 9:40 PM |
Tuesday, February 10, 2004 |
Bought A Digital Camera!!!
Me, myself & Khay went to buy a digital camera at IMM. I wanted to go to Sim Lim but dear Khay, simply do not know the way! And please don't look at me... I'm terrible with directions. Those who've worked with me in programs should know this by now... Betul tak Fini & Netty?? Heheheheh....Hhmm....Anyway I had to buy it since I'II be needing it for my recce and future projects (both work & school) and I got myself an Olympus Camedia X-250. It's 3.2 MP and is user-friendly.
After buying the camera, we both went to High Street Ctr to collect our free gifts -- an Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 software, 4 AA Energizer rechargeable batteries and 64MB memory card. I was supposed to get a $100 worth of printouts voucher but it ran out I guess. Sigh!!! That would be better actually.
Khay sent me to work after that I went to get the shades and return it to Atlantic. Went there with Fini, Lenny & Jules. We were late coz I promised Kak Fid at 6.15 but we only reached Atlantic around 6.35. Heheheh!!! But I guess it was worth the wait coz Kak Fid got to buy her favorite glasses with a 40% discount!! Thanks Colin! You're so sweet! And the red-rimmed glasses was perfect for Kak Fid. She looked really nice in it.
I had been toying with the digital camera for the past hour. Now I'm bored of it and can't sleep. I'm broke too after today's purchase and can't wait to start my program in 1 and half weeks time. Gosh! I need to work! No work = No Money!!!
Gotta meet Yatie Wahab coz she's leaving soon and I'd better call Netty and make the necessary arrangements.
Toodles! |
posted by norhayati @ 2:40 AM |
Monday, February 09, 2004 |
The CAMP as I called it was absolute fun and as usual full of knowledge bestowed by the elders to the younger ignorant ones like me. Made a resolution to read a religious book and I'm going to start with Saqifah. Maybe I'II aim to finish 1 book every 3-4 months. In a year, I would have read about 3-4 religious books and that is by my standard, already a good achievement. You go girl!
Age is catching up but I still feel and act like I'm just 18. (In actual fact, I'm coming to 24) Heheeeheeh!!! Enjoyed the company of the Pearlines. We took lots of pictures. Posed like Hejab Iran models, First Lady models etc. You name it and we probably have done it! And it was super duper fun catching up with the Pearlines knowing what's going on in their lives and their latest updates!
The Starfruittes were simply marvellous and I love and adore EACH & EVERYONE OF THEM. Even got to know them better like Starfruit & Mustakim whom I've never worked with. Wah Starfruit can really act very well. Can get him to act for me if I'm looking for actors. Talented guy with a good voice and a flare in acting....
Netty called asking me if I wanna join her at Jules' place but I was busy with the Pearlines at Imam Baragh so maybe next time I guess. I had a chat with Mimi & Feeza asking them about digital cameras and I decide to get one. Maybe one of those Nikon Coolpix series. Gonna ask Khay to follow me to Sim Lim and buy one before this Saturday so that I can bring it when I go to Bukit Timah. And my budget? Only $400 and nothing more coz already as it is, I'm growing broke by the day... so NO MORE shopping!
posted by norhayati @ 12:28 AM |
Wednesday, February 04, 2004 |
Watched Trauma today at Tiong Bahru Plaza with Netty, Razli and Lenny. Fini went with her boyfriend. Met lots of people outside the theatre. There's Fuadi, Suhailah, Mat Nor, Yusnita and of course Shafie! Saw him with a girl... hhmm siapa tu? Girlfriend ke?? Heheheheheh....
Trauma was a good Malay film for many reasons... good acting, good editing, not too bad sound effects and certain parts edited, like the carpark scene in the opening & closing makes me feel like I'm watching a Wong Kar Wai movie. Don't know why but that thought just struck me. The plot however, was very predictable and certain parts of the movie is simply unrealistic! How can Amy Mastura who was stabbed at her side still fight a villain? And how can Nasha Aziz who was burned still come back to haunt Amy and her sister? Talk about the director's sense of reality....
During the movie screening, Netty & I was literally head to head screaming our heads off. Isshh...penakut juga sepupu aku ni. Macam aku! Hehhehehhe.... Razli & Lenny on the other hand were busy laughing away... heard them laughed quite a bit throughout the movie.
Gosh! It's 2.15AM now but I'm still NOT sleepy. Guess I'm gonna read something before I sleep. I'd better sleep early coz tomorrow I'II have to report to office at least by 10.30AM and settle my ep6 Online.
Sleep yati sleep. Sing a song or something. Dance on the bed. Count sheeps. Count stars. Count $$$$ |
posted by norhayati @ 2:04 AM |
Tuesday, February 03, 2004 |
Have a meeting tomorrow with the Bosses! Hope to get everything sorted out quick. I'm just going to give them my school schedule and they can give me whatever episodes they deem suits my schedule to work on. Of course the more eps I do, the better! I'II be paid more esp at times like this when I am in desperate need of $$$$....Aarrgghhh...
I've done my own Maths and if I would want to buy a 3CCD camera & an I-Book, it'll cost me about $4,500. At least that's my budget for this and I'II have to work on about 6 eps before I can buy my gadgets!!! Gosh! But it's okay.... patience Yati patience...Sigh! Maybe I'II just buy them by end of they year after I have paid my school fees. Anyway my school fees should be priority NOT those tech gadgets!
Netty sms me asking what to give Yatie Wahab before she leaves for Australia. I told her why don't we give Yatie cash. Neither Netty and myself can fork out too much $$$ since we're both financially unstable. So it'll be good if we can rope in Fini & Farah as well and see how much they can fork out. I still think CASH is more practical than gifts coz Yatie will need it more than our gifts. And what to buy for Yatie?! At this moment, I cannot think of anything to get Yatie so ultimately CASH is a more pragmatic option. Will need to confirm with Netty on this by this week since Yatie will be leaving by next Wednesday.
I'm gonna miss Yatie 3 AKA Yatie Poland AKA Yatie Wahab.... :( |
posted by norhayati @ 1:39 AM |
Monday, February 02, 2004 |
Date: 1 Feb 2004
Hari Raya AidilAdha
Gosh!!! It's February already.... So Fast!!!
Today I went for Raya prayers with my bros, just the 3 of us since my dad is still unwell. Saiful said, "Kita
ni macam anak yatim seh..." Hhmm I thought to myself...never mind lah. Dah bagus tu kita bukan Anak Yatim betul-betul. Lagi kesian... takde tempat nak menumpang kasih sayang... Betul tak Apul? Heheheh...
It was full house today at Imam Baragh. Everyone's there...the Malays, the Pakistanis and even the Chinese (Sakinah Seah). It was really lovely during the cukur rambut ceremony for both Shikin's & Kak Maisyah's baby. But unfortunately, I was too engrossed with the Pearlines to shift my focus to the cukur rambut outside. So typical of me....Hahahahah. Even when the babies were brought in, I was still too busy with the Pearlines except when Ustaz Rosli was shaving Adillah's hair. Quite interesting to watch. If only I had a videocam just now.... hhmm.... can even do documentary and send it to the Cannes Film Festival! Heeheheh....yeah right Yati. Dream on...
Raya AidilAdha was very different this year. For a start, my siblings & I went for our prayers w/o daddy. Then we even went to nyayie & nenek's place w/o my parents since my dad is still unwell. Gosh! First time going to nyayie's place w/o my parents! Felt so awkward but luckily Cik Sanip was there....he's the ice-breaker... as usual and we spent exactly 2 hours at nyayie's place and another hour and a half at nenek's place. All we did was to travel, sit and eat but I was flat as a tyre the moment I reached home! So exhausted!
In fact, my bros & I even went to rent a VCD before we went home. View From The Top starring Gwyneth Paltrow. Wonder is it's good. Now it's 1.35AM and Khay's still watching some live soccer match with my dad. Hhmm.... when do we watch the VCD then? Later today?
I had a wishing list which I just created... Here it goes...
1) Apple I-Book
2) 3 CCD Videocam
Was thinking of buying the above so that I can record my own footages and compile them using my I-Book. Gonna check with Lenny & Fad if they can recommend me any other suitable stuff. Sigh! Now must collect money for school, videocam, Apple I-Book and money to give mummy since dad's NOT working yet...
posted by norhayati @ 1:24 AM |
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